package 'gcc' has no installation candidate的意思错误信息“package 'gcc' has no installation candidate”意味着你正在尝试安装的gcc软件包在你的软件库中没有找到相应的版本。这可能是由于以下几个原因: 1.你的软件库列表没有更新:这可能是因为你的软件库源没有更新,或者你的软件库源设置不正确。在这种情况...
E: Package 'php5' has no installation candidate 问题 分析 首先这个问题的最主要的原因就是因为当前Linux系统的下载源中找不到相应的文件,所以说我们需要更新下载源 步骤 找到记录着下载源地址的文件 vi /etc/apt/sources.list 在下载源中添加源 deb stable main contrib ...
another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package <packagename> has no installation candidate 解决⽅法如下:# apt-get update # apt-get upgrade # apt-get install <packagename> 这样就可以正常使⽤apt-get了~
E: Package<packagename> has no installation candidate 解决方法如下: # apt-get update # apt-get upgrade # apt-getinstall<packagename>
错误消息 "package 'gdb' has no installation candidate" 表示你的包管理器(如 apt 在Debian 或 Ubuntu 系统上)在尝试安装 gdb 软件包时,没有在配置的软件源中找到合适的安装候选。 2. 在不同的软件源中查找 gdb 包 检查官方软件源:确保你的系统已启用了官方软件源。对于 Ubuntu,你可以检查 /etc/apt/sourc...
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package <packagename> has no installation candidate 解决方法如下: # apt-get update # apt-get upgrade # apt-get install <packagename> ...
E: Package <packagename> has no installation candidate 解决方法如下: # apt-get update 【更新同步安装列表。在这一步之前可能还需要添加新的源,比如 vim /etc/apt/sources.list我添加了2个 deb hardy main universe ...
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package <packagename> has no installation candidate 解决方法如下: # apt-get update # apt-get upgrade # apt-get install <packagename> ...
E: Package 'php5-common' has no installation candidate The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get install -y php5-common' returned a non-zero code: 100 I see that some changes have been made in the last 2 weeks and that could be the origin of the issue. ...
Package 'php5' has no installation candidate 原因: ubuntu16.04默认自带php7,所以php5安装会提示Package php5 have no installation candidate 解决办法: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install php5.6 如果找不到add-apt-repository命令报错:add-apt-repository: comm...