解释“package 'libcurl3' has no installation candidate”的含义 当你在使用包管理工具(如APT)尝试安装libcurl3包时,如果系统返回“package 'libcurl3' has no installation candidate”错误,这意味着APT无法在配置的软件源中找到libcurl3包的安装候选版本。简而言之,就是APT找不到可以安装的libcurl3包。 可能导致该...
("firefox")#by using xDEFAULT, it uses $xNAME as the package name and there is no need to use separate functions for each package managerreadonlyxDEFAULT=('apt''pacman''dnf''choco''brew''snap')validate() {if[[$hasFlatpak==true&&$(flatpak list|grep$xNAME)]];thenexit0fiif[[-x"...
If that’s not possible, check if you can get it in some other packaging formats like Snap, Flatpak, AppImage, etc. In fact, Snap and Flatpak also allow you to choose and install from available versions. Since the applications are sandboxed, it’s easier to manage the dependencies for dif...
If that’s not possible, check if you can get it in some other packaging formats like Snap, Flatpak, AppImage, etc. In fact, Snap and Flatpak also allow you to choose and install from available versions. Since the applications are sandboxed, it’s easier to manage the dependencies for dif...