constconvertToWindowsStore=require('electron-windows-store')convertToWindowsStore({containerVirtualization:false,inputDirectory:'C:\\input\\',outputDirectory:'C:\\output\\',packageVersion:'',packageName:'Ghost',packageDisplayName:'Ghost Desktop',packageDescription:'Ghost for Desktops',packageExecu...
electron-installer-windows Create a Windows package for your Electron app. This tool relies on the awesomeSquirrel.Windowsframework written by@anaisbetts. It takes care of creating the actual package, signing it, dealing with updates, and many more things. Gotta give credit where credit is due,...
I have tried more than 20 times to package the application built with an electron but failed. I do not want the issue is. I have seen many tutorials on YouTube and on the internet even then I could not package the app. When I run the com...
Electron Packager 是一个命令行工具和 Node.js 库,它捆绑了基于电子的应用 将带有重命名的 Electron 可执行文件和支持文件的源代码放入准备分发的文件夹中。 要创建安装程序和 Linux 软件包等可分发文件,请考虑使用Electron Forge(使用 Electron Packager 内部)或相关电子工具之一,它利用 Electron Packager 创建的文件...
Windows - Per-platform options override global options. For example, you could override the global appId only for macOS by specifying it inside the "dmg" configuration: ..."build": {"appId":"electron-blog-example","dmg": {"appId":"electron-blog...
npm install --save-dev electron-packager It is not recommended to install electron-packager globally. Building Windows apps from non-Windows platforms Building an Electron app for the Windows target platform requires editing the Electron.exe file. Currently, Electron Packager uses node-rcedit to acc...
Windows 下支持自动更新的 Electron 应用脚手架 使用 下载应用 # 工作目录下,比如 d/workspacegitclone npm i 运行应用 cdelectron-autoupdate-scaffold npm start 打包应用 #在 electron-autoupdate-scaffold 目录下npm run build ...
electron-builder A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron, Proton Native app for macOS, Windows and Linux with “auto update” support out of the box. :shipit: Always looking for community contributions! 👀 Setting up a dev environment is easy to do 🪩 ...
"package": "cross-env ts-node ./.erb/scripts/clean.js dist && npm run build && electron-builder build --publish never", "prepare": "husky install", "rebuild": "electron-rebuild --parallel --types prod,dev,optional --module-dir release/app", ...
"@vscode/test-electron": "^2.1.3" } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.