1. 因为新装包规则是总当前uid往后分配,所以我要找到uid最大的几个应用 cat /data/system/packages.list | awk '{print $2}' | sort -n 2. 根据查到的uid分别找出对应包名去卸载 cat /data/system/packages.list |grep 查询到的uid awk '{print $1,$2}' 3. 卸载应用 adb uninstall 包名...
Without the KeepAlive call, the finalizer could run at the start ofsyscall.Read, closing the file descriptor before syscall.Read makes the actual system call. Note: KeepAlive should only be used to prevent finalizers from running prematurely. In particular, when used withunsafe.Pointer, the rul...
由中国医师协会、中国医师协会介入医师分会主办,广西医科大学第一附属医院、中国医师协会肿瘤消融治疗技术专家组承办的“肿瘤消融治疗技术专项能力培训项目”第六十五期(甲状腺专题)短期面授培训班”,采取线下的培训模式,于2024年3月在南宁市成功举办,近250名学员参加了此次培训班。#甲状腺#甲状腺结节#甲状腺癌#甲亢 ...
caililin2楼•3 个月前
This state could have * resulted if applications have been deleted with flag * {@code DONT_DELETE_DATA} with a possibility of being replaced or * reinstalled in future. * <p> * Note: this flag may cause less information about currently installed * applications to be returned. */ public ...
simpleSms - a package for send sms 模仿overtrue/easy-sms而做的一款极简版 安装composer require huid/sms -vvv环境需求PHP >= 5.6 使用// 使用模版方式 $message1 = new Message([ 'template' => '{:date} is the good day', 'data' => [ '{:date}' => date('Y-m-d') ] ]) // 直接...
On an old version of the Windows operating system that does not support AVX state saving (for example, Windows Vista) if it's used on a computer that supports the AVX instruction set If AVX state saving is explicitly disabled in the operating system boot configuratio...
Note that I did this the package-fetcher.js created by yarn run build, not the similarly named src/package-fetcher.js, which appears to be different from the resulting /lib/package-fetcher.js. I don't currently know anything about the build process so don't know where this fix could be...
"" * feat(scheduler): remove MaxPriority in the scheduler api * kubectl: remove usage info from bad flag error msg * IP validates if a string is a valid IP address * Fix typo in docstring of DeepEqual * Bump nfs provisioner version to v2.2.2 * Use same 'minimum resource version' ...
data can be anything accepted by node's sign.update(). type - string - The full key type (eg 'ssh-rsa') verify(< mixed >data, < Buffer >signature) - mixed - This verifies a signature of the given data using this key and returns true if the signature could be verified. On ...