(http://superuser.com/questions/455853/can-i-delete-the-folder-c-programdata-package-cache) 不过可以利用mklink 来把文件夹挪到其他位置 或者勇现成的工具也可以,比如 Link Shell Extension (http://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshellext/hardlinkshellext.html) 文件夹原样拷贝到D盘下,为了好记路径也保持...
This is what's called an embedded package. It is mutable, that is, users can change the files. It is not in the library, and files don't get duplicated into the Library/PackageCache folder. Also, this folder is not (and should not) be excluded from source control. From a file syste...
In Visual Studio, select the Clear All NuGet Cache(s) button at Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager > General. In the dotnet CLI, use dotnet nuget locals all --clear. In the NuGet CLI, use nuget locals all -clear.To avoid using the packages in the global-packages folder:...
移动ProgramData\Package Cache 文件夹 装完vs2017 发现C盘快木有空间了… 瞅瞅C盘下有啥能删的好释放下空间 就找到了 Package Cache 文件夹,占用空间接近15G… 查查这个文件夹还不建议删除… (http://superuser.com/questions/455853/can-i-delete-the-folder-c-programdata-package-cache)...
New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderPermission New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderSimple New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderSize New-CMComplianceRuleRegistryKeyPermission New-CMComplianceRuleValue New-CMComplianceRuleVersion New-CMComputerAssociation New-CMConfigurationItem New-CMConfigurationPolicyDeployment New-CMDeploymentTypeDepend...
清理缓存:删除Library目录下的PackageCache文件夹,然后重启 Unity 编辑器。 通过以上步骤,大多数 Unity Package Manager 错误都可以得到解决。如果问题仍然存在,建议查阅 Unity 官方文档或社区论坛获取更多帮助。 相关搜索: 在MacOs High Sierra上出现error Package Manager错误 ...
This meta-command runs the specified package manager in the local folder. You can use it to force an install to run with a given version, which can be useful when looking for regressions. Note that those commands still check whether the local project is configured for the given package manag...
New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderPermission New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderSimple New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderSize New-CMComplianceRuleRegistryKeyPermission New-CMComplianceRuleValue New-CMComplianceRuleVersion New-CMComputerAssociation New-CMConfigurationItem New-CMConfigurationPolicyDeployment New-CMDeploymentTypeDepend...
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.Build.NoTargets/1.0.80"> <!-- This is not a project we want to build. --> <PropertyGroup> <RestorePackagesPath>packages/</RestorePackagesPath> <!-- Changes the global packages folder--> <MSBuildProjectExtensionsPath>$(RestorePackagesPath)obj/</MSBuildProjectExtensions...