How Can I Delete Product Installer Files That Have Been Copied to My Computer? Running a Batch File Automatically After an Installation to Access Installed Files How to Run a Batch File From a Package Created With NI Package Builder TestStand User Manual: Clearing the Product Cache Other Support...
PKMS服务也是通过binder进行通信,IPackageManager.aidl由工具转换后自动生成binder的服务端IPackageManager.Stub和客户端IPackageManager.Stub.Proxy,具体关系如下: Binder服务端:PackageManagerService继承于IPackageManager.Stub; Binder客户端:ApplicationPackageManager(简称APM)的成员变量mPM继承于IPackageManager.Stub.Proxy; ...
The Remove-CMPackage cmdlet removes a package in Configuration Manager. You can delete a package from the site where it was created. Configuration Manager cannot delete a package from a distribution point if a user has locked a network file....
{"AuthKey":""} } ] },"CacheInfo": {"Info": [ {"Ext":"xx","Timeout":0} ] } } ],"FailInfos": [ {"Id":"AD13ED","Name":"channelName","Protocol":"HLS","Points": {"Inputs": [ {"Url":"http://mediapackage.${region}
PackageManager在启动时会扫描所有的APK文件和jar包,然后把他们的信息读取出来,保存在内存中,这样系统运行时就能迅速找到各种应用和组件的信息。扫描中如果遇到没有优化过的文件还要进行优化工作(dex格式转换成oat格式(Android5.0以前是odex)),优化后的文件放在/data/dalvik-cache/下面 ...
The Remove-CMPackage cmdlet removes a package in Configuration Manager. You can delete a package from the site where it was created. Configuration Manager cannot delete a package from a distribution point if a user has locked a network file....
kratgo - Simple, lightweight and ultra-fast HTTP Cache to speed up your websites. kit-plugins - go-kit transport implementation for fasthttp. Fiber - An Expressjs inspired web framework running on Fasthttp. Gearbox - ⚙️ gearbox is a web framework written in Go with a focus on high ...
-restore_cache:key:app-node_modules-v1-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}-{{ checksum "patches.hash"}} As well as the save_cache -save_cache:key:app-node_modules-v1-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}-{{ checksum "patches.hash"}}paths: -./node_modules ...
@schloerke I tried this workaround but I still get the error Error: <callr_remote_error: Failed to move installed package at '/app/pak-library/classInt'> in process 30 --> <install_filesystem_error in install_extracted_binary(filename, lib_cache, pkg_cache, lib, ...: Failed to mov...
feature-2.3-compile-cache feature-2.2-compile-cache r2.2-2 feature-2.3-api-scipy-tmp feature-2.3-sapp r1.10 feature-2.3-pt-api-bcmk ge_interface_refactor feature-2.3-micro-infer r2.2.10-1 r2.1.10 r2.0.0-beta r1.11 ascend-native-kernel-library feature-2.3-security-design lite-dev feature...