British Dictionary definitions for ratpack ratpack / (ˈrætˌpæk) / noun derogatory, slang those members of the press who give wide, often intrusive, coverage of the private lives of celebrities: the royal ratpack Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition...
perpetuates the last meaning in the name of its restaurant, Nether Wallop (Lower Ale). The verbpackin this expression means “to deliver.” The term dates from the early twentieth century. Eugene O’Neill used it literally in his playThe Hairy Ape(1922): “He packa da wallop, I tella yo...
What is the meaning Rat Pack? ratpack. / (ˈrætˌpæk) / noun. derogatory,slang those members of the press who give wide, often intrusive, coverage of the private livesof celebritiesthe royal ratpack. Where did the Rat Pack hang out in Palm Springs?
Horse-and-buggymeaning "old-fashioned" is recorded from 1926 slang, originally in reference to a "young lady out of date, with long hair." Tohold (one's) horses"restrain one's enthusiasm, be patient" is from 1842, American English; the notion is of keeping a tight grip on the reins...