Lightroom Classic 6.7 - 7.99 Lightroom 1.5 or higher Published: 2018年4月27日 Version 1.0.3 English 609.55 KB Compatible: mac, win32, win64 Design AssetsTools & Automation 6autochromeb&WblackCCcolorcrossfantasyfilmhazekodachromelandscapelightlightroommattemonochromemonotonenaturePhotographyportraitpresetpr...
Lightroom Anna Liseth – Breeze Anna Liseth Photography's Breeze preset pack! This is a Lightro... 2025-02-08VIPVIP View more VIP Subscription Subscribe to VIP for free downloads! Month VIP 10$ 30 days One Month Subscription Direct Download Links Download 2 products per day Upgrade Quar...
夜景氛围2024-11-07平面素材·必下推荐1.31k 素材说明 一系列邋遢的预设,旨在让您的深色和夜间照片大放异彩。 下载价格VIP专享 仅限VIP下载升级VIP 立即购买 解压密码:tcsys 使用版权:仅供参考学习,请勿直接商用 常见问题 MAC系统无法解压?或提醒密码错误?
All preset sales are final and preset purchases are non-refundable. No sharing of products - downloads will be monitored. Compatible with Lightroom Classic Version 7.3+ (.xmp files) IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH LR MOBILE. DESKTOP USE ONLY.
素材说明 Jont Wild - Aesthetics Lightroom Preset Pack,26 种预设,26 种不同的样式,1 个捆绑包。明确设计旨在带回电影、艺术和 2000 年代时尚摄影的美学。节省时间和精力,并用令人惊叹的预设取而代之。按需美学,您所要做的...
用Lightrom预设来创建你自己的风格。 -这些预设是为了给instagram feed或博主一个漂亮的棕色/裸色外观。 -这些预设可以用手机和专业相机拍摄的照片。 您可以获得4个移动lightroom预设值和9个pc lightroom预设值。 * *这包包括:* * 4个XMP和4个DNG文件 …
A Lightroom preset pack made for modern Real Estate photographers. Clean, bright presets for photographers who want a classic look.
4. Select the preset files and import it into Lightroom 5. Once the import is complete, you will see all the preset folders in your Presets panel LOADING THE PRESETS IN Lightroom Classic 1. Open Lightroom 2. Go to: Edit • Preferences • Presets 3. Click on the box titled: Show...
all new pictures opened in the standalone version of the program use the DxO Wide Gamut color working space, which is also the DxO PhotoLab (version 6 and onwards) default color working space. For the plug-in version, the color working space is set by the host program (Lightroom Classic...
FREND LIGHTROOM 预设包 01 14.99 美元 想要以 FREND. 方式编辑图像? 此Lightroom 预设包包括我们的前 5 种美学外观,每种外观都有自己独特的氛围。这些预设是根据您在我们的社交源上看到的图像创建的,因此您可以确保它们在真实拍摄中经过尝试和测试。每个预设都是可调整和可定制的,调整它们以适应您的风格,并节省...