Canada/Yukon Mexico/BajaNorte PST8PDT US/PacificWorld time zonesTravelmath provides a database of time zones all over the world. You can use this data to check the local time, or verify the time difference when you cross time zones during a trip. Daylight savings is automatically adjusted ba...
PST time (UTC/GMT-08:00):Country: USA/Canada/Mexico Time zone abbreviation: PST Time zone name: Pacific Time Time offset: UTC/GMT-08:00 Observe DST: YesSee alsoEastern time now Central time now Mountain time now Alaska time now Hawaii time now Time calculators...
Pacific Time UTC Offset Pacific Standard Time is 8 hours behindCoordinated Universal Time (UTC). Pacific Daylight Time is 7 hours behindUTC. See Time Zone Map What Is Pacific Time? Pacific Time (PT) is the westernmosttime zonein the contiguousUnited StatesandCanada. It is also used inBaja ...
Pacific Standard Time is the westernmosttime zonein the contiguousUnited StatesandCanada. It is also used inBaja California, Mexico. It covers all or parts offive states in the USandtwo provinces or territories in Canada. The PST time zone is thethird most populated time zone in the US. ...
这是太平洋时间,美国西部临太平洋,所以也是美国西部时间。为了简便,等效于加州时间。加州呢,就是加利福尼亚了。与北京时差是15个小时。更详细的其实可以百度。。。如果我的回答对你有帮助,望及时采纳。<( ̄3 ̄)> 若仍有不明可以继续追问。
Territories observing the time zone are primarily in North America. It runs through the western part of Canada, the United States and the Northwestern part of Mexico. The United States and Canada actually refer to this zone as the Pacific Time Zone or PT. In Mexico, it's actually known...
Territories observing the time zone are primarily in North America. It runs through the western part of Canada, the United States and the Northwestern part of Mexico. The United States and Canada actually refer to this zone as the Pacific Time Zone or PT. In Mexico, it's actually known...
16:00-17:00 Pacific Time (US & Canada)对应现在的北京时间是多少?7-8点还是8-9点? 答案 是8-9点 结果二 题目 16:00-17:00 Pacific Time (US & Canada)对应现在的北京时间是多少? 7-8点还是8-9点? 答案 是8-9点 相关推荐 116:00-17:00 Pacific Time (US & Canada)对应现在的北京时间是多少...
Bowen Island to WST call timeBest time for a conference call or a meeting is between 2:30am-4:30am in Bowen Island which corresponds to 11:30pm-1:30pm in WST 8:00 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time) (Bowen Island, Canada). Offset UTC -8:00 hours 5:00 pm West Samoa Time (WST)....
夏天和冬天不一样。美国那边夏天有夏令时 冬天是8-9点 夏天是7-8点