Being in the "Pacific Ring of Fire", the Philippines is one of the most vulnerable (易受损害的) Southeast Asian countries when it comes to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This is why a group of Information Technology students from FEU科技 came up with "Alert OC", a mobile disaster app...
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A.B、 C.D四个选项中选出最佳选项,Being in the "Pacific Ring of Fire", the Philippines is one of the most vulnerable () Southeast Asian countries when it comes able to use it on my phone, I thought 'Wow! I already made an app that to earthquakes an d ...
the Pacific Ring of Firean area where manyearthquakesandvolcanic eruptionstake place in the Pacific Ocean. It has ahorseshoeshape and is 40,000 kilometres (= 25,000 miles) long. It starts southeast of Australia and curves round past the Philippines and Japan across to the west coast of the...
the Philippines, Bougainville, Tonga, and New Zealand; this portion excludes Australia, since it lies in the center of its tectonic plate. Indonesia lies between the Ring of Fire along the northeastern islands adjacent to and including New Guinea...
→the Pacific Ring of FireatPacific Ring of Fire(1)an area where many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions take place in the Pacific Ocean. It has a horseshoe shape and is 40,000 kilometres (= 25,000 miles) long. It starts southeast of Australia and curves round past the Philippines and Ja...
Being in the "Pacific Ring of Fire", the Philippines is one of the most☆☆vulnerable () Southeast Asian countries when it comes to works earthquakes an d volcanic eruptions. Over 20 typhoons have struck Filipinos every year. The country's location an d environment lea d to its high The ...
The eastern section of the Ring of Fire is the result of the Nazca Plate and the Cocos Plate being subducted beneath the westward moving South American Plate. Meanwhile, the Cocos Plate is being subducted beneath the Caribbean Plate, in Central America. A portion of the Pacific Plate along wi...
The Ring of Fire covers 4 000 km around the edge of the Pacific Ocean.It includes the countries of Japan,Indonesia and the Philippines.More earthquakes and volcanoes occur in this area than anywhere else in the world.The name Ring of Fire refers to areas below the earth's surface.These ar...|基于5个网页 3. 处於太平洋火环 万那杜处於太平洋火环(The Pacific Ring of Fire),也是大陆板块交会地带,导致火山和地震活动频繁。|基于2个网页 例句
ፓስፊክ የእሳት ቀለበት (Pacific Ring of Fire) እየተባለ በሚጠራው ክልል ምዕራባዊ ዳርቻ ነው። ↔ The more than 7,100 islands making up the Philippines are located on the western arc of the Pacific Ring of Fire....