环太平洋“火环”(Pacific Ring of Fire)又称环太平洋火山地震带,是一个围绕太平洋频繁发生地震和火山爆发的地区,全长约4万公里,呈马蹄形。全球90%的地震、81%的大地震以及75%的火山喷发都发生在环太平洋“火环”。据中国科学院南海海洋研究所张锦昌、邱强、杨晓东、周志远等科研人员介绍,汤加火山位于环太平洋“...
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Located along the Pacific"Ring of Fire"...Translate.Thank you Located along the Pacific"Ring of Fire".Japan is one of the world's most earth-quake-prone countries. 答案 由于位于环太平洋地震带,日本成为世界上最容易发生地震的国家之一.相关推荐 1Located along the Pacific"Ring of Fire"...Transla...
根据第二则新闻末段的“Japan,which lies along the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’,often suffers earthquakes”可知这里是指地震经常发生的地区。 答案: D 尊敬的读者: 本文由我和我的同事在百忙中收集整编出来,本文稿在发布之前我们对内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有不尽如人意之处,如有疏漏之处请指正,希望本文能为...
Being in the "Pacific Ring of Fire", the Philippines is one of the most vulnerable (易受损害的) Southeast Asian countries when it comes to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.This is why a group of Information Technology students from FEU科技 came up with "Alert OC", a mobile disaster app ...
万那杜位於「太平洋火环」(Pacific Ring ofFire)上,由於移动中的地壳板块互相摩擦,使得太平洋火环地区地震活动频繁。… blog.nownews.com|基于3个网页 2. 太平洋火环带 印尼位在「太平洋火环带」(Pacific Ring ofFire),此地大陆板块相撞导致地震和火山活动频繁,而印尼比其它任何国家拥有 … ...
Being in the “Pacific Ring of Fire", the Philippines is one of the most vulnerable (易受损害的) Southeast Asian countries when it comes to earthquakes an d volcanic eruptions. Over 20 typhoons have struck Filipinos every year. The country's location an d environment lea d to its high vul...
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A.B、 C.D四个选项中选出最佳选项,Being in the "Pacific Ring of Fire", the Philippines is one of the most vulnerable () Southeast Asian countries when it comes able to use it on my phone, I thought 'Wow! I already made an app that to earthquakes an d ...
词汇 Pacific Ring of Fire 释义 Pacific Ring of Fire Paˌcific ˌRing of ˈFire noun the Pacific Ring of Fire an area where many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions take place in the Pacific Ocean. It has a horseshoe shape and is 40,000 kilometres (= 25,000 miles) long. It ...