Pacific Ring of Fire Forms Hotbed of Volcanic Activity
万那杜位於「太平洋火环」(Pacific Ring ofFire)上,由於移动中的地壳板块互相摩擦,使得太平洋火环地区地震活动频繁。…|基于3个网页 2. 太平洋火环带 印尼位在「太平洋火环带」(Pacific Ring ofFire),此地大陆板块相撞导致地震和火山活动频繁,而印尼比其它任何国家拥有 … ...|基于5个网页 3. 处於太平洋火环 万那杜处於太平洋火环(The Pacific Ring of Fire),也是大陆板块交会地带,导致火山和地震活动频繁。|基于2个网页 例句
Located along the Pacific"Ring of Fire"...Translate.Thank you Located along the Pacific"Ring of Fire".Japan is one of the world's most earth-quake-prone countries. 答案 由于位于环太平洋地震带,日本成为世界上最容易发生地震的国家之一.相关推荐 1Located along the Pacific"Ring of Fire"...Transla...
Being in the "Pacific Ring of Fire", the Philippines is one of the most vulnerable (易受损害的) Southeast Asian countries when it comes to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This is why a group of Information Technology students from FEU科技 came up with "Alert OC", a mobile disaster app...
Volcanic Activity: Most of the active volcanoes on The Ring of Fire are found on its western edge, from the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia, through the islands of Japan and Southeast Asia, to New Zealand. Mount Ruapehu in New Zealand is one of the more active volcanoes in the Ring of Fire...
The Ring of Fire is a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. In a 40,000 km (25,000 mi) horseshoe shape, it is associated with a nearly continuous series of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and volcanic belts and/...
the Pacific Ring of Firean area where manyearthquakesandvolcanic eruptionstake place in the Pacific Ocean. It has ahorseshoeshape and is 40,000 kilometres (= 25,000 miles) long. It starts southeast of Australia and curves round past the Philippines and Japan across to the west coast of the...
The Ring of Fire is a 25,000 mile (40,000 km) horseshoe-shaped area of intense volcanic and seismic (earthquake) activity that follows the edges of the Pacific Ocean. Receiving its fiery name from the 452 dormant and active volcanoes that lie within it, the Ring of Fire includes 75% ...
Most of the geologic activity of the Pacific occurs around its edges. In fact, the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire contains more than 80 percent of the earth’s active volcanoes and most of its earthquake activity. The Pacific was given its name because of the tranquillity(安静) of its ...