Hyun Ji RimJournal of Indo-Pacific Affairs
(IUCN, 2009). This area is larger than the world’s total land surface, with the islands divided among 56 different Pacific island and Rim countries and territories. Within the Pacific Ocean lies the region referred to asOceania, which includes the islands of the tropical Pacific Ocean. The ...
The anomalies associated with the NPO are mostly concentrated over the North Pacific rim during P1, exhibiting a quasi-barotropic structure of the north-south seesaw pattern (Fig. 9a and c). Significant SST anomalies appear in the central-eastern tropical Pacific, signifying a close relationship ...
Diagnosis: A fossil otolith-based genus, presumably of the family Prototroctidae with the following combination of characters: Small otoliths up to 2.8 mm length with subtriangular outline with a shallow ventral rim and a high, forward inclined dorsal rim with expanded broad predorsal lobe. OL:...
HYUN JI RIMJournal of Indo-Pacific Affairs
Indo-Pacific Rim (IPR) biobankBackground: Biobankers have been unexpectedly involved in the pandemic of COVID-19 since early 2020. Although specific guidance was not available, the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) Best Practices and the ISO 20387 document ...
16). Depocentres as originally preferential sites of clast deposition formed isolated, probably subcircular to elongated features as similar in shape to smaller islets at present found along the south-western atoll rim (Fig. 1b). From 4,000 cal yr BP, the depocentres have prograded ...
1. Association patterns among marine environmental parameters and ENSO events in the PO mainly occur in five sub-regions of the PO: the western PO, the central and eastern tropical PO, the middle of the northern subtropical PO, offshore of the California coast, and in the southern PO. In ...