Pacific Power filed a settlement agreement last week with nthe Public Utility Commission of Oregon in support of its napplication for an 8.4% rate hike to increase annual revenue nby $84.6 million to offset capital costs. nThe utility filed a request the week before seeking a 5.9% nrate ...
The accumulation curve based on community richness showed that diversity increased sharply with the addition of samples from each new biome (Fig.1b). Starting with the most diverse biome of plankton, an exponential increase was followed by a plateau for the small size fraction that corresponds to...
The proof is in the pudding atCornell University,where dogs given CBD showed a “clinically significant reduction in discomfort and an increase in activity.” It’s promising, but there isn’t a lot of scientific research prior to 2018. Without that research, “the American Veterinary Medical ...
A negative phase of the PDO has been linked to decadal reductions in the rate of global mean surface temperature increase, as well as to the widening of the Northern Hemisphere tropical belt since 1979. In both cases there is evidence for an anthropogenic aerosol control (Allen et al. 2014)...
This work was carried out at 5 kV in a field emission scanning electron microscope using a Quanta 600 FEG (FEI Inc., Hillsboro, OR, USA) at the Oregon State University Electron Microscope Facility (Corvallis, OR, USA). 2.11. Evaluation of Fractal Dimension (Df) The microstructure images of...
Oregon and Washington pear growers that use pheromone mating disruption for codling moth control are more likely to implement biological control practices in their orchards [11]. However, monitoring for natural enemies often requires a large amount of work to estimate levels of abundance [13]. Fortu...
Helens that erupted in 1980 with large lahars that flowed into the Columbia River, stopped ocean-going ships, and caused significant infrastructural damage in southern Washington and northern Oregon. Volcano-ice hazards can cause unforeseen impacts but they can also be predicted, as the following ...
These parties, notably the Union Pacific, managed to preclude NP from obtaining further extensions on its deadline while Henry Villard, who owned the very successful Oregon Railway & Navigation Company (OR&N), tried to keep it out of the Pacific Northwest. At...
The Desert,the Sierra,Northern California,Oregon,Washington Demographics First, let’s look at information from the Pacific Crest Trail Class of 2022 that isn’t going to help anyone plan a thru-hike, but that’s interesting nonetheless. I delve deeper into the demographics of each year’s cla...
of Oregon, an Oregon corporation, the sole general partners of the General Partner, and any successor general partner of the General Partner. MODIFICATION shall mean any improvement, modification, alteration or addition to the Leased Property. NEW LEASE NOTIFICATION shall have the meaning set forth ...