澳洲太平洋岸基督学校(Pacific Coast Christian School)坐落于新南威尔士州悉尼市,距离市中心约8公里,交通方便,是一所私立基督教男女混合学校。太平洋岸基督学校是一所经新南威尔士州教学研究委员会权威认证的学校,获权推选学生受颁新南威尔士州高级中学教育证书。该校现已获澳大利亚联邦招收海外学生院校及课程审核登记,并...
Pacific Hills Christian School 作者:Lambert M·Surhone/Mariam T·Tennoe/Susan F·Henssonow 页数:88 ISBN:9783639909470 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 我要写书评 Pacific Hills Christian School的书评 ···(全部 0 条)
Pacific Bay Christian School is a private school located in Pacifica, CA. The student population of Pacific Bay Christian School is 185. The school’s minority student enrollment is 61.6% and the student-teacher ratio is 8:1. Tuition & Financial Aid N/A Yearly Tuition* Fees* N/A Financial...
Pacific Hills Christian School 太平洋山基督教学校 建校时间 :1979学生数量 :1330 院校类别 :中小学校院校性质 :私立 院校住宿 :走读男校女校 :男女混校 入学考试 :院校学费 :22,000 - 33,000 (澳币/年) 录取方式 :双录关注人数 :14627 所在地区 :澳大利亚 NSW新南威尔士州 Sydney 悉尼...
美国太平洋基督高中 Pacific Christian High School - 学校介绍 太平洋基督高中(Pacifica Christian High School)是加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市一所四年制、男女同校的基督教大学预科高中。该校建于2005年,2006年通过W.A.S.C.(西部院校联会)认证,是洛杉矶西部唯一一所独立的基督新教高中。80%的教师具有硕士学位,学校专注...
太平洋山基督教学校 (Pacific Hills Christian School) 成立于 1979 年,当时名为彭南特山基督教学校 (Pennant Hills Christian School)。 学校于1986年迁至鲗鱼涌道杜拉现址,并更名为太平洋山基督教学校。 Provider Code:02340G 留学生人数:80 学校官网地址:https://www.pacifichills.nsw.edu.au/phcs/ ...
Pacific Christian Academy is a culturally diverse academic school which provides a premier, Bible-based education located in Federal Way, Washington.
Azusa Pacific University, one of the top Christian Colleges in the nation, is a private Christian university located near Los Angeles in Southern California.. Reviews, coupons, analysis, whois, global ranking and traffic for apu.edu. Learn more about apu
Welcome to the Pacific Point Christian Schools mobile app! Pacific Point Christian Schools’ mission is to be a Gospel-centered, mission-focused school district that partners with parents in educating and nurturing students’ minds and hearts for use in God’s kingdom now and in the future. ...
Reflexivity in multilingual and intercultural education: Chinese international secondary school students’ critical thinking. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1–15. Wu, X., & Tarc, P. (2019). Chinese international students in a Canadian private secondary school: becoming flexible ...