根据第一段第一句“In the Pacific Ocean floats a mass of garbage, the size of Texas.”(在太平洋上漂浮着大量垃圾,有德克萨斯州那么大。);第一段最后一句“This is the Pacific Garbage Patch, and it’s a huge problem”(这是太平洋上的垃圾带,它是个大问题。以及第四段第一句“The Great Pacific ...
Pacific Ocean Trash Patch Mystery: How Many Fish Eat Plastic?The finding, in a new study by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, could have implications for the food chain. The region of floating trash in the Pacific Ocean is double the size of Texas.Clayton, Mark...
The entire process of the gyre collecting and depositing trash happens in the East and the West part of the Pacific Ocean, thus making the Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch a convergence of the East garbage patch and the West garbage patch in the North Pacific. The vast mass of waste floating in...
As plastic waste continues to grow, so does the trash that's accumulating in the Pacific Ocean. Two huge floating islands of garbage are taking up hundreds of thousands of square miles of real estate in what's known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The vortices of garba...
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, or Pacific trash vortex, is a collection of marine debris spanning from the North American West Coast to Japan. It’s made up of two patches: the Western Garbage Patch near Japan, and the Eastern one between Hawaii and California. We recently described how ...
The research team from the three-week Seaplex expedition said more work remains to be done to determine the full extent of the trash vortex, how it affects marine life and how it might safely be removed from the ocean. Cleanup will be difficult because the "vast majority of things we s...
Great Pacific Garbage Patch, zone in the Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii that has a high concentration of plastic waste. Ocean currents carry plastic debris into a subtropical gyre, where it remains trapped.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the largest accumulation of plastic in the open ocean. Learn more about its location, size, contents and impact here.
TheGreatPacificOceanGarbagePatch ProblemChosenC Summary Wemainlytalkthetrash-filledgyresintheNorthPacificanditseffectonthe surroundingfishesinthisarticle,thenfurtherevaluateonhumanbodyinthelong term.Beforebuildingourmodel,wehavestudiedmanyresearchmaterialsconcerningthe...
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is twice the size of Texas, is the largest accumulation of ocean plastic in the world. The patch is bounded by an enormous gyre – the biggest of five huge, spinning circular currents in the world’s oceans that pull trash towards the center and ...