The largest ocean on Earth is filled with mysteries, but also subject to great pressures like climate change, plastic pollution, and overfishing.
Evaluating ecological tradeoffs in fisheries management: a study case for the yellowfin tuna fishery in the Eastern Pacific Ocean Multiobjective decision analysis (MDA) is a useful assessment method when fishery managers need a systematic investigation of the tradeoffs involved in the... Roberto,Ramón...
Ocean processes are generally large scale on the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast; this is true of both seasonal variations and event-scale upwelling-downwelli
The Pacific Ocean and the Asian Kid - National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 - National Geographicthe Asian Kid
the founder of Guinness brewery. Sharing Cousteau's passion for the ocean, Guinness lent the explorer a 40-year-old former car ferry for just one franc per year. That ship became known as Calypso, the shipNational Geographicsays would "become nearly synonymous with the Cousteau name and legend...
What does a second Trump presidency mean for the ocean? Charting a course for coastal resilience The promise and peril of water markets Conservation collides with local rights in fight over Chagos Islands 每日一句 Nature-based solutions are now severely underfunded. I ...
Many people in the US are unaware that NHPIs originate from 3 Oceanic ethnogeographic regions: Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. As the largest water mass on the planet, the Pacific Ocean covers more than 30% of Earth’s total surface area. Representing approximately 30 Pacific nations and...
1. United States Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas - Psychological Warfare Propaganda Material Part One, CINCPAC-CINCPOA, December 1944. This booklet sets forth the general principals, means, and methods of employing propaganda in the Pacific Theater. It is a 44-page instructional booklet. ...
For deep-sea polymetallic nodule areas of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ), in the north-eastern Pacific Ocean, one of the nodule fields of greatest commercial interest at an average depth of ca. 4200 m, Sánchez et al. (2019) described three new cyclorhagid species belonging to ...
Situated to the south of China's mainland, and connected by narrow straits and waterways with the Pacific Ocean to the east and the Indian Ocean to the west, the South China Sea is a semi-closed sea extending from northeast to southwest. To its north are the mainland and Taiwan Dao of ...