‘Oceania is vast. Oceania is expanding. Oceania is hospitable and generous. Oceania is humanity rising from the depths of brine and regions of fire deeper still. Oceania is us. We are the sea, we are the oceans, we must wake up to this ancient truth and together use it to overturn al...
Pacific Ocean n (Placename) the world's largest and deepest ocean, lying between Asia and Australia and North and South America: almost landlocked in the north, linked with the Arctic Ocean only by the Bering Strait, and extending to Antarctica in the south; has exceptionally deep trenches, ...
Vector-borne diseases cause morbidity and mortality globally. However, some areas are more impacted than others, especially with climate change. Controlling vectors remains the primary means to prevent these diseases, but new, more effective tools are ne
From 6 to 17 March 2015, Cyclone Pam hit the South Pacific Ocean and was considered one of the most powerful Category 5 tropical storm recorded (wind speed reaching 270 km/h causing catastrophic infrastructure damage). While it started in Solomon Island's water and affected a large region ...
The Asia-Pacific Seafood Market is segmented by Type (Fish, Shrimp), by Form (Canned, Fresh / Chilled, Frozen, Processed), by Distribution Channel (Off-Trade, On-Trade) and by Country (Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea). Market value in USD and market ...
2017). This setting usually prevents event deposits from being completely eroded and yields reliable materials for dating. Our study site was a coastal lake called Kogare-ike, which is isolated from the Pacific Ocean by a sand barrier (Fig. 1e, f). The height of the barrier is around 5...
Other regional PSC regimes of the Abuja MOU, the Black Sea MOU, the Indian Ocean MOU, the Mediterranean MOU, the Riyadh MOU and the Viña del Mar Agreement also conducted the CIC in the same manner. THE PORT STATE CONTROL COMMITTEE The thirty-third meeting of the Port State Control ...
system from the core Asia-Pacific region westwards to include the Indo-Pacific, the Indian Ocean and a few other Southeast Asian nations, it has also depicted the insufficiency of the US' alliance with non-NATO allies in meeting its somewhat altered regional objectives since the turn of the ...
In the Pacific Ocean, low-lying coastal systems are mainly represented by atolls, i.e. shallow-water, annular to elongate, coral-reef rimmed islands, usually overtopped discontinuously by islets, composed of coral-derived rubble and/or skeletal sands (Woodroffe and Biribo, 2011). These islets ...
34 found a La Niña-like trend of cooling in the central-to-eastern Pacific Ocean and a strengthening of the western/central Pacific westward SST gradient. With the more recent expansion of observational datasets and a longer climate record, it appears that this overall tendency has continued ...