K. (1987). Pacific Northwest Native American youth and smokeless tobacco use. Int. J. Addict. 22:881-884.Schinke, S. P.; Schilling, R. F.; Gilchrist, L. D.; Ashby, M. R.; Kitajuna, E. Pacific Northwest Native American youth and smokeless tobacco use. Int. J. Addict. 22:881-...
Image courtesy of Hulleah Tsinhnahjinnie for the First People's Fund. Learn more aboutFirst People's Fund. A Pacific Northwest Native American Artist Apolonia Susana Santos (1954-2006) Artist, Activist, Art and Cultural Liaison, Indigenous Warrior. ...
Pacific Islander (redirected fromPacific Islanders) n. 1.A member of one of the indigenous peoples of Polynesia, Micronesia, or Melanesia. 2.A person of Polynesian, Micronesian, or Melanesian ancestry. See Usage Note atAsian. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition...
Later Heyerdahl suggested that the Pacific was peopled by three migrations: by Native Americans from the Pacific Northwest of North America drifting to Hawaii, by Peruvians drifting to Easter Island, and by Melanesians. In 1969 he crossed the Atlantic in an Egyptian-style reed boat to prove ...
LaterHeyerdahlsuggestedthatthePacificwaspeopledby threemigrations:byNativeAmericansfromthePacificNorthwestof NorthAmericadriftingtoHawaii,byPeruviansdriftingtoEasterIsland, andbyMelanesians.In1969hecrossedtheAtlanticinanEgyptian-style reedboattoproveEgyptianinfluencesintheAmericas.Contrarytothese theorists,the...
"Native American Art from the Pacific Northwest" "The native artwork of the pacific northwest is very much alive and thriving. Each artist must familiarize himself with the great works of the past and then find his own style within this tradition. Some of us choose a more traditional approach...
In the Pacific Northwest, cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN). Misclassification of AI/AN race in state cancer registries causes cancer burden to be underestimated. Furthermore, local-level data are rarely available to individual tri...
Together, they arrange driftwood, seaweed, rocks, and fungus to create a map of the coastal territories of the Pacific Northwest nations. As curator Steve Henrickson says in the film, "Baskets are her [Dolores's] teacher." Through ... C Krmpotich - 《Native American & Indigenous Studies》...
raft westward with the winds and currents across the Pacific from South America to prove his theory that Pacific islanders were Native Americans (also called American Indians). Later Heyerdahl suggested that the Pacific was peopled by three migrations: by Native Americans from the Pacific Northwest ...
In this respect, the Maori are similar to the First Nations peoples of the Pacific Northwest of Canada and the USA. In fact, one theory of the totem pole in the Pacific Northwest is that it came into being after Native North Americans found a Polynesian carved pole washed up onto the ...