苏富比国际1.15亿美元的现代度假庄园名叫“MAR DE AMOR”,有12间卧室,14间完整卫浴,居住面积10,646 平方英尺。最令人难忘的是客厅至上而下的大型水晶吊灯,院内有2个树屋,旁边有18洞高尔夫球场。不过依照我积累的B站看房经验,这房价要打骨折。, 视频播放量 1.4万播放、
1. 旧金山(San Francisco)•金门大桥(Golden Gate Bridge):旧金山的标志性建筑,可以选择从观景点俯瞰大桥或在大桥上漫步。•渔人码头(Fisherman’s Wharf):品尝当地美食,参观海狮栖息地。•九曲花街(Lombard Street):旧金山著名的弯曲街道,适合拍照留念。2. 半月湾(Half Moon Bay)•Half Moon...
1.15亿美元的现代度假庄园27930 Pacific Coast Highway(马里布, 加州) 5765 6 3:45 App 加州3.2亿元海景别墅,简约现代风奢华装修设计,面朝大海春暖花开,私家人造沙滩,样板房设计师的必看案例,占地103亩,位于加州马里布海滨 1032 -- 1:34 App 【豪宅收藏】—加利福尼亚—坐落于马里布的优雅海滨别墅 9716 18 3...
Explore New Zealand's best beach along the east coast. Taking you from Auckland to Napier, you'll experience lakes, wildlife, vineyards and a tranquil lagoon. Use this itinerary to plan your Pacific Coast Highway getaway.
🥀Pacific Coast Highway. 一号公路,日落飞车。 û收藏 380 79 ñ3782 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 设计美学博主 Ü 简介: 摄影均原创。想和你们一起,探索艺术&旅行&生活之最动人处!✨商务合作/摄影/作品商用授权邮箱:ichbinwhyi...
Planning a California Pacific Coast Highway road trip? Driving along the California Pacific Coast Highway is perhaps one of the greatest road trips in the world. Over the past five years, I was very lucky to have the opportunity to visit many of the town
When it comes to America's best road trips, it's hard to beat the Pacific Coast Highway. Hit the road and discover these gems on the historic Pacific Coast Highway. This app. provides: - Turn-by-turn route of highway. - 144 memorable points of interest to discover. - GPS locator ...
Excited to take the Pacific Coast Highway from Morro Bay, CA to Monterey, CA (or vice versa) but nervous you won’t have cell coverage for most of the trip? Well…
美西太平洋海岸公路(Pacific Coast Highway),拥有号称全美最美丽的海岸风景,是加州著名的滨海道路。坐拥如此美景的餐厅… travelworld.appscomb.net|基于259个网页 2. 太平洋海岸高速公路 在这块紧邻太平洋海岸高速公路(Pacific Coast Highway)的8英亩土地上,这处物业是最物超所值的。整个房产要价7,500万 … ...
Become a member to see contact information for Pacific Coast Highway 1. Try IMDbPro Premium for free + Add Cast 3 cast members NameKnown for Charlie O'Donnell Self - Announcer Cops and Robbersons(1994) Pat Sajak Self - Host Wheel of Fortune(1983) ...