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Honolulu (HNL) 111 Keehi Place Honolulu, HI 96819 Tel: (808) 834-7977 Fax: (808) 834-7987 Hours of Operation Weekdays: 7:00am to 7:00pm Saturday: 7:00am to 7:00pm Sunday: 7:00am to 5:00pm Guam (GUM) JL Baker International A.B. Won Pat Guam Integrated Air Cargo Facilit...
Pacific Air Cargo provides exclusive Boeing 747 express air services between Los Angeles and Honolulu, with onward connections to Hawaii’s neighbor islands and weekly services to Pago Pago, American Samoa, and Guam. Today, the professional, friendly team at PAC has a long and well-respected hist...
WHAT’S NEW AT PAC Search for: Pacific Air Cargo Helps Zebra Foals Find New Safe Home in Hawaii
At Pacific Airlift we have specialized in the humane transportation of horses, cattle and other livestock between Los Angeles (LAX) and the Hawaii international airports of Kona and Honolulu for almost 50 years. Our long-standing relationship with the great team at Pacific Air Cargo brings togethe...