第一次读关于朝鲜人生活的小说,美籍韩裔女作家Min Jin Lee的《Pachinko》。她选择了定居在日本的朝鲜人,以Sunja一家为主线,描写了这一特殊人群的悲苦生活,反映了朝鲜半岛的悲壮历史。身在异乡为异客,哪个是他们的故土?哪个是他们的家?无论他们抱着怎样的希望,无论他们多么努力,他们在朝鲜和日本都是异客。 二十...
Pachinko(2017) by Min Jin Lee is my second Cannonball Bingo entry. I am usingPachinkoto fill the “Uncannon” entry–a booknotwritten by an old, white man. Min Jin Lee is a woman who was born in South Korea before moving to the United States at age seven. Even better, her book i...
WatchingPachinkois to have an audience with something deeply sacred and profound. Adapted from Min Jin Lee’s bestselling novel of the same name, Apple TV Plus’ most ambitious project yet is a sublime epic that questions cultural identities, national histories, and intergenerational memory and mou...
无论英文亚马逊上的书籍介绍还是诸如Guardian(卫报)上的评论,都集中在“日本的韩国移民无论怎么奋斗都不被社会认可”这一身份焦虑的主题上,强调个体无法抵抗身份“原罪”的命运。在美国的韩裔作家Min Jin Lee也坦言(Youtube视频),这部小说的灵感源头来自大学老师提到的移民小孩子被侮辱然后跳楼的真实事件。在对许多韩...
(原著作者叫Min Jin Lee。原著的review我會發在原著下面所以這邊就不多說了)該劇由Apple TV+發行與首播,講述了一個由朝鮮移民至日本的移民家庭在不同文化、語言和歷史的交錯影響下,不同世代的幾位家庭成員的自我認同與遭遇。劇中總共有四個不同時代穿插,時間橫跨百年。劇情以奶奶金善慈김선자與孫子白所羅門...
moved by the tale of family, survival and persevering women. When Apple first announced its exclusive original series, one overarching question arose: Would Min Jin Lee's beloved novel be adapted in a way that captures the spirit and humanity of its characters while honoring...
I recently watched the show "Pachinko" and I have to say, it's absolutely amazing! Based on Min Jin Lee's novel, it tells the story of a Korean family over several generations, and it's so beautifully done. The way it switches between different time periods is really cool and keeps ...
Min Jin Lee is a recipient of fellowships in Fiction from the Guggenheim Foundation, the Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Study at Harvard, and the New York Foundation for the Arts. Lee’s debut novel, Free Food for Millionaires, was one of the “Top 10 Novels of the Year” for T...
Book Review of Pachinko by Min Jin Lee an epic story of life as a Korean immigrant to Japan during the 1900's and the family that tried to survive