Progressive changes in the beating rate of embryonic rat heart after grafting suggest that the original pacemaker system becomes suppressed and a new, stable one arises. We mapped electrophysiologic activity of em- bryonic heart grafted in oculo to determine pacemaker location. Selective interventions ...
[root@node01 ~]# pcs resource create ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= --group apachegroup[root@node01 ~]# pcs resource create WebSite ocf:heartbeat:apache configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf statusurl="http://localhost/server-status" --group apachegroup[root@node01 ~]...
Heartbeat项目最初的消息通信层被独立为新的 Heartbeat项目,新的 Heartbeat只负责维护集群各节点的信息以及它们之间的心跳通信,通常将 Pacemaker与 Heartbeat或者 Corosync共同组成集群管理软件, Pacemaker利用 Heartbeat或者Corosync提供的节点及节点之间的心跳信息来判断节点状态。 (2)Cluster Clue Cluster Clue 相当于一...
Main Regularities of Mutual Location of Different Pacemaker Cells in the Rat Heart Sinoatrial Nodesinoatrial nodepacemaker cellssinus node arteryintracellular leadaction potentialsThe distribution of pacemaker cells and atrial working cardiomyocytes in the anterior right atrial wall was studied using ...
同时,对于任何形式的软件资源,通过为其自定义资源启动与管理脚本(资源代理),几乎都能作为资源对象而被Pacemaker管理。此外,需要指出的是,Pacemaker仅是资源管理器,并不提供集群心跳信息,Pacemaker的心跳机制主要基于Corosync(或Heartbeat)来实现。 Pacemaker内部结构...
Pacemaker是 Linux环境中使用最为广泛的开源集群资源管理器, Pacemaker利用集群基础架构(Corosync或者 Heartbeat)提供的消息和集群成员管理功能,实现节点和资源级别的故障检测和资源恢复,从而最大程度保证集群服务的高可用。从逻辑功能而言, pacemaker在集群管理员所定义的资源规则驱动下,负责集群中软件服务的全生命周期管理,...
sudo crm configure primitive rsc_ip_HN1_HDB03 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \ op monitor interval="10s" timeout="20s" \ params ip="" sudo crm configure primitive rsc_nc_HN1_HDB03 azure-lb port=62503 \ op monitor timeout=20s interval=10 \ meta resource-stickiness=0 sudo crm config...
如果指定,Pacemaker 将为每个容器实例创建一个隐式ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2资源,从这个 IP 地址开始,使用指定为 Docker 元素replicas参数的任意连续地址。这些地址可以从主机的网络访问容器内的服务,尽管无法在容器本身中看到。目前仅支持 IPv4 地址。 host-netmask ...
Bradycardia and tachycardia associated with multiple arrhythmias were present in all cases; heart rate was less than 40 beats/min in 58 percent of patients and more than 140 beats/min in 71 percent. Conduction abnormalities were present in 61 percent. After insertion of a demand pacemaker, 27 ...
Distribution of fetal cardiac output: importance of pacemaker location Important questions exist about the relative roles of changes in heart rate versus extent of myocardial shortening in regulating fetal cardiac output, beca... PT Pitlick,SE Kirkpatrick,WF Friedman - 《American Journal of Physiology...