Also known as tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome, with this condition your heart alternates between beating too quickly and too slowly. You may get it if you have sick sinus syndrome, a problem in the part of the heart that regulates the speed of heartbeats. Having atrial fibrillation (AFib), a...
If you haveatrial fibrillation(AFib), that means something’s not right with the electrical signals that trigger your heartbeat. The four chambers inside yourheartget out of sync as they pump your blood. Your doctor may use prescription drugs or a medical procedure to try to make your heart ...
Separate pulse generator.Using multiple pulse generators could cause pulse generator interaction, resulting in patient injury or a lack of therapy delivery. Test each system individually and in combination to help prevent undesirable interactions ("Minimizing Pacemaker/S-ICD Interaction" on page 24). ...