Balancing your university work can be tricky. It's easy to fall behind, but you don't have to. In this article, we will discuss how to stay on top of your assignments. Pay attention to the syllabus(课程表) The best way to stay on top of your assignments is to be...
After a career change in 2015, he vowed to adopt a healthy lifestyle and ran his first marathon in the fall of 2016. Since then, Nils has maintained a competitive race schedule and recently won the masters division at the 2018 BMW Dallas Marathon. In 2021, Nils ran a personal record at...
Nils is a veteran pacer. He is a runner and athlete coach in NW Austin. After a career change in 2015, he vowed to adopt a healthy lifestyle and ran his first marathon in the fall of 2016. Since then, Nils has maintained a competitive race schedule and recently won the masters divisio...