Payment information, including your payment instrument number (such as a credit or debit card number), expiration date, and security code as necessary to process your payments. User-generated content, including content within any messages you send to us (such as feedback or questions). For the ...
Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Results Discussion Methods and scenarios Data availability Code availability References Author information Ethics declarations Peer review Additional information Supplementary information Rights and permissions About this article AdvertisementCommunications...
I suspect given that you can't readily replicate the issue that it's environmental. Perhaps you have the latest setuptools but not the latest packaging. Or maybe you have setuptools 20.2.2 metadata and 20.2.1 code. If you find that you're able to replicate a failure with a clean install... Dockerfile Procfile cloudflare-worker.js coveralls.json docker-compose.yml fly.toml mix.exs mix.lock polylines.csv README Code of conduct GPL-3.0 license OpenPace is an open-source, web application that helps runners run th...
PACE Overview
( Individual-level genotype data are available by application to the UK Biobank. Variables derived specifically for this study will be returned along with the code to the UK Biobank for future applicants to request. No additional data are available....
The unit pairs to your phone using Bluetooth Smart, which is currently enabled and functional. The pairing process is super clean and easy, just like the Wahoo bike computer pairing process where you use the mobile app to scan a QR code on your watch: ...
This was underscored by the recent G7 agreement on Guiding Principles and a Code of Conduct on Artificial Intelligence, which emphasized both the need to use AI to address our greatest challenges and mitigate societal, safety and security risks. US President Biden’s executive order (...
Kind Code: A1 Abstract: To provide a pace setting system that can be constructed using only simple equipment at a low price, that has a high degree of freedom in terms of the installation location and applicable competition, and that can be used casually. A pace setting system that presents...
Kind Code: A1 Abstract: Disclosed herein is a workpiece holder for use with a rotatable lathe assembly. The workpiece holder comprises a housing with a base and two upwardly projecting outer sides. The first section is adapted to receive a workpiece to be machined and support the workpiece duri...