Payment information, including your payment instrument number (such as a credit or debit card number), expiration date, and security code as necessary to process your payments. User-generated content, including content within any messages you send to us (such as feedback or questions). For the ...
Table 1 provides a summary of the Marginal Abatement Cost of Carbon (MACC) for various scenarios in the US aimed at achieving the 2050 net-zero GHG target within a global 1.5 °C target. The MACC represents the cost of reducing the last unit of emissions to attain a specific climate ta...
I suspect given that you can't readily replicate the issue that it's environmental. Perhaps you have the latest setuptools but not the latest packaging. Or maybe you have setuptools 20.2.2 metadata and 20.2.1 code. If you find that you're able to replicate a failure with a clean install...
HiPACE++ is a modular, open-source code enabling efficient modeling of plasma accelerators from laptops to state-of-the-art supercomputers. Program summary Program Title: HiPACE++ CPC Library link to program files: Developer's repository link: HiPACE++ ...
Code README MIT license MouHidInputHook MouHidInputHook enables users to filter, modify, and inject mouse input data packets into the input data stream of HID USB mouse devices without modifying the mouse device stacks. TheMouHid Hook Manageremulates the hook strategy used by theMoufiltrdriver by...
Status1 & 2 – Last Year: Allows the selection of up to two different status columns to print for the production in the same production date range and stay date range one year back. It makes sense to select the same status code that was selected for the current production peri...
It makes sense to select the same status code that was selected for the current production period in order to compare last year’s production to the current production within the same status codes. Covers – Event Type: Select the Event Types to use for calculating covers and av...
Code availability Custom code that supports the findings of this study is available from the corresponding author on request. References Download references Acknowledgements This research was supported by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) grant nos. R01AG032282 and R01AG049789, and the UK Medic...
The unit pairs to your phone using Bluetooth Smart, which is currently enabled and functional. The pairing process is super clean and easy, just like the Wahoo bike computer pairing process where you use the mobile app to scan a QR code on your watch: ...
Kind Code: A1 Abstract: To provide a pace setting system that can be constructed using only simple equipment at a low price, that has a high degree of freedom in terms of the installation location and applicable competition, and that can be used casually. A pace setting system that presents...