The PacBio BAM specification version described here is 3.0.4. PacBio BAM files adhering to this spec contain the tagpb:3.0.4in the@HDheader. Coordinate conventions The BAM format uses a 0-based coordinate system to refer to positions and intervals on the reference. ...
This library isnotintended to be used as a general-purpose BAM utility - all input & output BAMs must adhere to thePacBio BAM format specification. Non-PacBio BAMs will cause exceptions to be thrown. Documentation FAQ pbbamvalidates all BAM files, and as part of this validation, it checks...
See it all at scale with the Revio system. Get started Talk with an expert If you have a question, need to check the status of an order, or are interested in purchasing an instrument, we're here to help.
By sequencing and analysis, a total of 14,776,542 subreads (46 Gb of bam file) were obtained. A total of 236,267 isoforms were obtained, comprising 36,824 HQ transcripts and 199,443 LQ transcripts. On the other hand, a total of 6,574 LncRNAs were predicted based on SMRT sequencing....
Next, create two "files-of-file-names", ("fofn") for the PacBio subread data in fasta and bam format. You need thesubreads.fastafor FALCON and FALCON-Unzip and thesubreads.bamfor the polishing step of FALCON-Unzip. $ cat subreads.fasta.fofn /path/to/my/data/dir/F1_bull_test.sub...
$ /data1/chenying/bs3/hifimeth/src/scripts/ \ --src /data1/chenying/bs3/hifimeth \ --num_threads 48 \ --model_path /data1/chenying/bs3/hifimeth/models/hifimeth-mol-k400.ckpt \ --input /data1/chenying/bs3/hifimeth/examples/chr1-reads.bam \ --out 5mc-call Resul...
PacBio BAM C++ library. Contribute to PacificBiosciences/pbbam development by creating an account on GitHub.