昨天无意中注意到Google的新logo,感觉挺有意思的,为了纪念吃豆子(Pac-Man)游戏发布30周年,Google在首页推出了其有史以来第一次真正的互动性和可玩的Logo,整个游戏界面围绕Google字样构成,配色配音全部尊重原著。 Google has unveiled a Pac-Man doodle to celebrate the game’s 30th anniversary. You can play th...
Google当然不会错过,换上了PAC-MAN30th Anniversary的游戏Logo上下左右,WSAD,鼠标都可以操作,小试身手,似乎不大会玩了阿 简单的游戏往往给人的快乐感是最强的,想想以前每个在小霸王前度过的下午,单纯而又快乐 游戏在线演示: [iframe http://game.botaowei.org/pacman/pacman.html 660 340] 鼠标停留在上面还会显示...
开始以为google中毒了,就开了火狐IE和360检查下,然后联想起一直以来GOOGLE logo都是根据某些特别的日期和节日来改变的,就搜了下贪吃豆和PAC-MAN,就看到一条NEWS说谷歌涂鸦庆祝吃豆人(Google doodle celebrates Pac-Man)。 其他详细原因请搜索:http://www.google.com/search?q=PAC-MAN+30th+Anniversary&ct=pacman1...
Pacman 30th Anniversary Doodle FYI Google had made thisGoogle Doodleavailable for 48 hours on the Google.com homepage to allow PACMAN fans to play Pacman on the website. The fact that millions of people visit the front page ofGoogle domainand love the animated and often interactive Google D...
Apart from Pacman 30th anniversary, Pacman games hold great value in the gaming marketplace. Many people are still interested in playing these token games. But due to technological advancement, these can be played on gaming consoles. Google valued the company a lot on its 30th birthday, as ...
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjExNjAwMDky.html让我们来重温一下Pac-Man游戏的背景和故事吧,今年是Pacman的30周年诞辰,众多品牌都相继推出了用意纪念这个经典游戏的产品,甚至像Google也在今年早些时候在自己的首页换上了Pac-Man的doodle游戏,我想肯定有读者曾经注意到了吧,我们有幸保存了当时的截图: Pac-...
May 21, 2010— --Pac-Manis back. And to celebrate the30th anniversary of the classic video arcade game, Google has unveiled its first-ever interactive doodle – a Pac-Man game that Web users can play straight fromGoogle's homepage.
Google on Monday made permanent a playable Pac-Man doodle posted in tribute to the classic arcade game's 30th birthday.
Google PacMan it's in the top of the charts. 2,231,778 total plays: Success! Playing Google PacMan online is free. Enjoy this Pacman game already!
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the most popular video game of all time, Pac Man, Google put a playable version of the game on Google’s home page on May 21. It’s no longer on the page now but I hope you did catch it at least once during the 48 hours when it was up. ...