Natural Color Nylon 66 PA66 GF30resin PA6 GF GB30 Raw Material Properties, Find Details and Price about Nylon Resin Modified PA66 from Natural Color Nylon 66 PA66 GF30resin PA6 GF GB30 Raw Material Properties - Weifang Hota New Material Technology Co., L
PA66-GF30-02 具有可塑性。密度1.15g/cm3。熔点252℃。PA66-GF30-02 脆化温度-30℃。热分解温度大于350℃。 PA66-GF30-02 连续耐热80-120℃,平衡吸水率2.5%。能耐酸、碱、大多数无机盐水溶液、卤代烷、烃类、酯类、酮类等腐蚀。
SCHULAMID® 66 GF 30 GID|PA66-GF30|A. Schulman 物性表: SCHULAMID® 66 GF 30 GID|PA66-GF30|A. Schulman物性表及特性介绍,SCHULAMID® 66 GF 30 GID|PA66-GF30|A. Schulman注塑参数详情,如需SCHULAMID® 66 GF 30 GID|PA66-GF30|A. Schulman下载, 可到相关下载区下载...
东莞市华韵塑胶原料有限公司 组织机构代码: 91441900MA4WHWD068 报价 人民币¥30.00元每kg 品牌 PA6673G30L 型号 PA66杜邦 产地 PA66玻纤增强30% 关键词 73G30L美国杜邦PA66+GF30%增强级 所在地 东莞市樟木头镇奥园塑金国际8栋214 联系电话 0769-87600377 ...
Tecamid 6/6 GF30具有优良的性能平衡,使其成为汽车零件、工业阀门、铁路连接绝缘体和其他工业用途(其设计要求包括高强度、韧性和重量减轻)中金属替换的理想材料。 TECAMID® 6/6 GF30 is a 30% glass-fiber reinforced nylon 6/6 material whose important properties include high tensile and flexural strength, ...
特点:泰科纳PA66GF30-02 是一个含有30%长玻璃纤维增强和热稳定剂的尼龙66树脂。 CelstranPA66 GF30-02 CELSTRAN®PA66-GF30-02 AD3002 BLACK CELSTRAN® PA66-GF30-02 AD3004 BLACK CELSTRAN® PA66-GF30-02 AD3020 BLACK CELSTRAN® PA66-GF30-02 AD3024 BLACK ...
PA66+GF30 - polyamide 66 glass fiber reinforced Other material names PA66+GF30: Nylon 6/6 glass fiber reinforced Material group: Polyamide PA66+GF30 is a 30 % glass fibre reinforced PA66. It demonstrates outstanding mechanical properties such as higher strength, rigidity, creep strength and ...
from 750 ℃ to 775 ℃. Choosing low relative viscosity PA66 is beneficial for reducing the shear heat of the material during extrusion processing,and reducing the pressure loss during injection molding,thereby improving the mech...
(Zytel® 70G30L NC010|PA66-GF30|DuPont)物性表:Zytel® 70G30L NC010|PA66-GF30|DuPont物性表及特性介绍,Zytel® 70G30L NC010|PA66-GF30|DuPont注塑参数详情,如需Zytel® 70G30L NC010|PA66-GF30|DuPont 流变性能(Rheological properties) dry / cond ...
Ultramid® A3EG6 FC | PA66-GF30 | BASF Product Texts The BASF Ultramid® FC (Food Contact) grades enable the industry to develop products for food contact applications which are in compliance with multiple regional food contact regulations including FDA, European Food Contact (EU) Nr. 10/20...