ANSI/UL 94 small-scale test data is intended solely for determining the flammability of plastic materials used in the components and parts of end-product devices and appliances, where the acceptability of the combination is determined by UL. Report Date: 1986-05-23 Last Revised: 2003-10-24 ...
PA-133, 7001 维修指南说明书 L1833 Rev.B 02/06 Refer to Repair Parts Sheet L1252 TROUBLESHOOTING AND TESTING:NOTE: Procedure #1 to be used for pump priming only.1. Connect the pump to the air supply and hydraulic hose,gauge and cylinder.Make sure the reservoir on the air pump is full....
1partferricchloridewillconsume0.92partsalkalinityforpropercoagulation Sodiumbicarbonate(BicarbonateSoda)willmakewatermorealkaline.Itcanbeusedwhenyouonlywanttoincreasethealkalinity. pHadjustmentchemicalsmayalsoincreasealkalinity.Therefore,alkalinitymaybeincreasebytheadditionoflime,causticsodaorsodaash. ...
Reny 1071 Thick-walled Parts Reny 1313 High Impact Resistance Reny 1313H High Impact Resistance Reny 1322 High Impact Resistance Reny 1371 High Impact Resistance Reny 1501AH Flame Retardant Reny 1507 Flame Retardant; Halogen Free Reny 1511AH Flame Retardant Reny 1521AH Flame Retardant Reny 1527 Flam...
CONSTITUTION:A PC card consists of a printed board 5, a back connector 3 which is connected to a wiring part 6 of the board 5, a front connector 7, 8 frame 8 which is supported by the board 5, and a pier of metallic covers 9 which cover these preceding component parts between them...