Similarly, [section] 42-110b(a) of CUTPA provides: "No person shall engage in unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce." CONN. Instead, "[i]t is within the trier's province to weigh the CUTPA factors as it sees...
What is the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA)? The VCDPA grants several consumer rights to residents of Virginia, including the right to access their data and the right to opt out of the sale of their data for targeted advertising. The law also outlines regulations related to sen...
Under the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act, service providers are considered "processors." A processor would refer to any entity performing a task for the data "controller"—the company collecting the data and deciding how to use it. Under the VCDPA, controllers and processors have to contr...
The transportation sector accounts for over 52 percent of total oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions in the United States. When NOx and volatile organic compounds combine in the presence of sunlight, ground level ozone is formed. Emissions of NOx can also act as precursors to the formation of fi...
. We also have a great deal of experience representing banks, drivers in personal injury cases, and even railroad companies. In addition, we frequently deal with insurance difficulties, product liability, civil rights of employees, wrongful termination, complex tax issues, and unfair trade practices...
Siemens AG Settles Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Investigation With U.S. and German Authorities; Pays $1.6 Billion in Fines and DisgorgementGary DiBianco
The Pennsylvania Statute of Limitations on debt is a powerful tool for dealing with unfair collection practices. Unfortunately, debtors often make costly mistakes in applying the Statute of Limitations. Debt Collector and Creditor Harassment Statute of Limitations ...
To interpret the risk taking of the entrepreneur as being solely for profit is unfair. Some entrepreneurs are greedy; but most venture for reasons beyond profit including a sense of achievement, to create opportunity for others, to create or invent something new, and to contribute to the ...
The formation of the United Farm Workers union gave somewhat greater strength to migrant labor demands, but unfair practices by employers still remain a source of grievance in the fields (Meier, p. 210). DIVERSIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Noticeable beginning in the 1920s and increasing ...