and drug and alcohol counselors to fight for the best possible outcome for our client. Most of the students we work with have never been in trouble before and their families may have no experience with the criminal justice system. Penn State students have worked hard to gain admission to the...
Most of the students we work with have never been in trouble before and their families may have no experience with the criminal justice system. Penn State students have worked hard to gain admission to the University and their families have often made enormous sacrifices to finance their ...
Criminal history record information from the state police Fingerprint-based federal criminal history information Certification from the state as to whether the applicant is named in the central register as the perpetrator of a founded or indicated report of child abuse. If a resident of the home has...
State AG: School Bus Firm Had Unlicensed Drivers, Uninspected Vehicles December 21, 2016| ByJason Togyer| Posted in:Crime and Police News The state attorney general today accused a McKeesport school-van operator of using drivers with criminal records and using vehicles that were not properly ins...
Baldacci put his signature on the racing regulatory bill. He created a five-member board, including Bangor lawyer Jean Deighan, former Saco legislator Peter Danton, small businessman Mike Peters of Dixfield, retired State police officer Larry Hall of Dedham, and broadcaster George McHale of Or...
Baldacci put his signature on the racing regulatory bill. He created a five-member board, including Bangor lawyer Jean Deighan, former Saco legislator Peter Danton, small businessman Mike Peters of Dixfield, retired State police officer Larry Hall of Dedham, and broadcaster George McHale of Or...
The petition must be filed in the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the conviction occurred. Case documents are often required to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the petition. A copy of your Pennsylvania Police criminal history report must also be included when fi...
Republican Review of America Right in a Left World Right Truth ScrappleFace Sigmund, Carl and Alfred Slashdot State Sunshine and Open Records Tel-Chai Nation TexasFred’s The American Conservative Union The Jawa Report The National Anxiety Center The Tygrrrr Express Townhall Blog TWAWKI US Pundits...
She’s now a partner at Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads, focusing on “white collar and government investigations and criminal defense.” If elected, Bradford-Grey would be the first Black attorney general in the state’s history. She would also be the state’s first attorney general with...
According to a criminal complaint, McKeesport police responded early on the morning of Oct. 7 to a report of a one-car crash near the intersection of Fifth Avenue and White Street. Officers arrived to find a Ford SUV had collided with a utility pole, but no driver present, the complaint...