helping put the men atop polls in the Republican primary. A super PAC supporting McCormick — and attacking Oz — has reported spending more than $13 million so far, powered by $7.5 million from Griffin, the hedge fund billionaire.
McCormick, who was born in Washington, Pennsylvania, is a former hedge fund manager. He ran for U.S. Senate in 2022, but narrowly lost to Mehmet Oz in the primary. His experience in public office includesserving as an under secretary of the U.S. Treasury, and later as adeputy national...
Pennsylvania’s Republican Senate primary had been primarily an expensive duel between Oz, best known as the host of daytime TV’s “The Dr. Oz Show,” and McCormick. Then, a surprise Fox News poll released Monday suggested a tight, three-way race with Barnette, ...
Asked if he would sign right-to-work legislation, a top conservative priority that bans closed union shops in the state, Mastriano said yes. He added that he didn’t think it would be hard, because he argued that current Republican majorities in Harrisburg would be expanded in November. Any...
Shapiro, the state's two-term elected attorney general, ran to the middle on several key issues and smashed Pennsylvania's campaign finance record in a powerhouse campaign, swamping Republican Doug Mastriano in a deluge of TV ads. He had led polls from the start over Mastriano, and ...
Months of baseless attacks by President Donald Trump that mail voting is susceptible to widespread fraud have soured many Republican voters on using the method and created a large partisan divide. Of Pennsylvania’s approved ballot applications as of Wednesday, more than 948,000 have ...
While the former president said during his speech at the Republican convention that he would only recount the Butler shooting once because it was “too painful,” he has regularly spoken about the incident during subsequent rallies. He talks frequently about the chart that showed rising immigration...
Democrats also recognized they didn’t have the votes to elect McClinton, and around midday were in discussions to nominate a moderate Republican such as state Rep. Tom Mehaffie (R., Dauphin) for the speakership as a compromise. However, that plan also fell through. ...
Gov. Racicot: Rising GOP Star in the Big Sky State Polls Show the First-Term Republican Governor, with a Folksy Style and Nonpartisan Approach, Could Take the Democratic Senate Seat in 1996
According to the Latino National Political Survey (1992), 59.6 percent of all Mexican Americans identify themselves as Democrats, 16 percent as Republican, and 24.4 as belonging to independent parties. As members of the Democratic Party, they have played a significant role in several elections. In...