0.11 percent over the past five years, and 1.52 percent over the past decade. see more etpax performance fees fees are below average compared to funds in the same category. eaton vance pa municipal income fund has an expense ratio of 0.74 percent. net expense ratio 0.74 category average: 0....
The transportation sector accounts for over 52 percent of total oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions in the United States. When NOx and volatile organic compounds combine in the presence of sunlight, ground level ozone is formed. Emissions of NOx can also act as precursors to the formation of fi...
The IT operations of municipal governments are, on average, much smaller than those of state governments, thus resulting in a higher public cloud cost advantage. In many cases, they also are handling lower-security data and, due to their size, have less complex IT installations, meaning ...