Malpractice Insurance Reform Could Stem Loss of Pa. DoctorsMelanie Richman drives more than two hours each day on a round-trip to Youngstown, Ohio, to...Bumsted, Brad
Based in Albuquerque, our New Mexico personal injury attorneys help clients find justice against negligent individuals and corporations. Get your FREE consultation.
A $1,625,000 award and settlement in a combination medical malpractice, product liability, and negligence case involving a death after being hit by a car display ramp. Our team was able to obtain the full insurance policy limits from the product liability and negligence defendants, as well as...
We settled a Medical Malpractice case involving a hospital’s negligence in failing to promptly recognize a vision-threatening infection, resulting in near-blindness, for a confidential amount. Settlement We obtained the automobile insurance policy limits from a drunk driver and the full amount of Und...
there are additional laws related to the size and weight limits of commercial trucks and the freight they are carrying. Furthermore, the state requires all commercial truck drivers to abide by hourly driving limits. Many times these Pennsylvania trucking laws are not followed. Call a Lehigh Valley...
9.3.Certificate of Insurance 9.2.Liability Coverage 9.1.Responsibility For Own Acts II.CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE EFFECTIVENESS 2.3.Governmental Approval 2.2.Approval of Market and Allocation of Resources 2.1.Service Delivery System Completion VI.UTILIZATION MANAGEMENT ...
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AAPA-endorsed malpractice insurance plan to see rate increasesNo abstract available.Gary McCammonJAAPA: Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants
Runaway insurance train; Pa. hospital group sees malpractice unit seized.(Brief Article)Becker, Cinda
Pa. firm approved to offer medical malpractice insuranceDavid B. Caruso