Bird in Hand Farmers Market 150米 Water's Edge Mini-Golf 470米 Sylvia Petersheim Quilts 1.4公里 查看周边地标 有用信息 性价比 9.4 位置评分 9.9 伯德汉德乡村住宿加早餐旅馆提供的房型 惊艳了 客房品质及舒适度 9.7 更多客房图片和详情 小型套房 (Junior Suite) 客房面积:28 m² 景观: 户外景观 1张大...
Bird in Hand Farmers Market 150公尺 Water's Edge Mini-Golf 470公尺 Sylvia Petersheim Quilts 1.4公里 實用資訊 CP值9.4 位置得分9.9 伯德漢德鄉村住宿加早餐旅館的可預訂房型 超棒 客房舒適度 9.7 查看房間照片&設施 小型套房 (Junior Suite) 客房面積:28平方公尺/301平方英尺 ...
Epigenomes Plants All Article TypesArticleReviewCommunicationEditorialAbstractBook ReviewBrief CommunicationBrief ReportCase ReportClinicopathological ChallengeCommentCommentaryConcept PaperConference ReportCorrectionCreativeData DescriptorDiscussionEntryEssayExpression of ConcernExtended AbstractField GuideGiants in Urology...
was determined after 72 and 96 h of treatment. There were five treatments and three replications (5 × 30 = 150 insects, each replication contains 10 insects. The commercially available neem formulation (Neem Baan 0.15 EC, i.e., containing azadirachtin 1500 ppm) available in the market (...