The term “Applicable Laws” shall encompass (i) any law, statute, rule, regulation, order, circular, decree, directive, judgment, decision, or other similar mandates of any applicable central, national, state, or local governmental/regulatory authority with competent jurisdiction and force of law ...
153.905WQCM548BM123.0 PLFire DispDoylestown Fire Company - Central Fire TRS rebroadcastFMNFire-Tac 460.4625WQED265RM192.8 PLCBARU TacCentral Bucks Ambulance and Rescue Unit - TacticalFMNEMS-Tac 507.0375WPMJ994RM155 DPLFire 19/79Doylestown Fire Company (Stations 19/79) LocalFMNFire-Tac ...
Headquarters Office (Rear Park Ave.) 88 Newport Fire Co. (Bensalem - Pasqualone Rd. Station) 89 Bucks County H.I.R.T. (County HazMat Team) 90 Warminster Fire Co. (Central - Madison Ave. Station) 91 Warminster Fire Co. (East - Centennial Rd. Station) 92 Warminster Fire Co. ...
Aapa mires are characterized by wet central fens and Sphagnum-dominated bog margins (Ruuhijärvi 1960; Laitinen and others 2007, 2017; Sallinen and others 2019). The fens have mosaic patterns of sparsely vegetated wet depressions called “flarks” and drier hummock strings. These features are ...
Escherichia coli is the leading cause of urinary tract infection, one of the most common bacterial infections in humans. Despite this, a genomic perspective is lacking regarding the phylogenetic distribution of isolates associated with different clinical