The Nikon COOLPIX P900 has an 83x optical zoom, swiveling LCD, high-res EVF, Wi-Fi/NFC for sharing, manual controls, and built-in GPS for travel. Shopping is the best cure! Product Description The zoom power of the COOLPIX P900 is nothing short of spectacular. This is 83x (2000mm ...
根据最新的消息显示,具有166倍光学变焦和332倍数码变焦的尼康Coolpix P900相机已在B&H和WEX等电商平台列为停产,亚马逊仍然有少量P900相机库存。 另外P900在尼康日本官方网站上也已被标记为停产。
尼康 COOLPIX P900使用手册说明书 Shutter release button 8.3x Optical Zoom-Nikkor lens for sharp clear images from 36mm to 300mm Macro Lens as close as 1/2 inch Audio Video Cable •PictureProject CD-ROM Record voice memo
近日有网友用它拍摄到了正在围绕地球飞行的国际空间站。虽然还是有些模糊,但已经可以看出大体的样子了。不过就算你有超大变焦镜头,又怎样捕捉到空间站的位置呢?作者经过反复练习终于做到了。消息连接: kathiemt's gear list: Nikon Coolpix P950Nikon D7000Nikon D7100Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 18-300mm F3.5-5.6G ED VRNikon 200-500mm F5.6E ED VR ReplyReply with quoteReply to threadComplain ...
Nikon P900 camera captures the ISS By[NR] admin|Published:November 28, 2017 We have seen all kinds of interesting pictures and videos taken with the Nikon P900 ($579.95). Here are a few videos of the ISS taken with the 83x zoom compact camera: ...
尼康P900相机已停产 根据最新的消息显示,具有166倍光学变焦和332倍数码变焦的尼康Coolpix P900相机已在B&H和WEX等电商平台列为停产,亚马逊仍然有少量P900相机库存。 另外P900在尼康日本官方网站上也已被标记为停产。
What’s the best camera for around $2000? This price point gives you access to some of the most all-round capable cameras available. Excellent image quality, powerful autofocus and great looking video are the least you can expect. We've picked the models that really stand out. ...
尼康Coolpix P900正式发布,采用1600万像素1/2.3英寸传感器,搭载高达83倍光学变焦镜头,等效24-2000mm(动态缩放变焦可达166倍),镜头内置超级ED(超低色散)镜片等光学元件,提供出色的色差补偿。3英寸92.1万点LCD屏,支持NFC,Wifi,售价599.95美元,约合3800人民币。
详细内容您的尼康器材自购买日起享有一年免费保修,以保证对应任何生产中的瑕疵。 在此期间,您需要向尼康授权维修站同时出示尼康本地保修卡(C联-客户联)连同购物发票原件(其它购买凭据不能使用)才能享有免费的修理或调试。由于意外导致的损坏、滥用、私自拆卸修理或修改、由非尼康授权的维修中心维修、进沙、进水都不属...