The Nikon COOLPIX P900 has an 83x optical zoom, swiveling LCD, high-res EVF, Wi-Fi/NFC for sharing, manual controls, and built-in GPS for travel. Shopping is the best cure! Product Description The zoom power of the COOLPIX P900 is nothing short of spectacular. This is 83x (2000mm ...
尼康 COOLPIX P900使用手册说明书 Shutter release button 8.3x Optical Zoom-Nikkor lens for sharp clear images from 36mm to 300mm Macro Lens as close as 1/2 inch Audio Video Cable •PictureProject CD-ROM Record voice memo kathiemt's gear list: Nikon Coolpix P950Nikon D7000Nikon D7100Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 18-300mm F3.5-5.6G ED VRNikon 200-500mm F5.6E ED VR ReplyReply with quoteReply to threadComplain ...
Nikon P900 camera captures the ISS By[NR] admin|Published:November 28, 2017 We have seen all kinds of interesting pictures and videos taken with the Nikon P900 ($579.95). Here are a few videos of the ISS taken with the 83x zoom compact camera: ...
尼康Coolpix P900正式发布,采用1600万像素1/2.3英寸传感器,搭载高达83倍光学变焦镜头,等效24-2000mm(动态缩放变焦可达166倍),镜头内置超级ED(超低色散)镜片等光学元件,提供出色的色差补偿。3英寸92.1万点LCD屏,支持NFC,Wifi,售价599.95美元,约合3800人民币。
尼康P900相机已停产 根据最新的消息显示,具有166倍光学变焦和332倍数码变焦的尼康Coolpix P900相机已在B&H和WEX等电商平台列为停产,亚马逊仍然有少量P900相机库存。 另外P900在尼康日本官方网站上也已被标记为停产。
尼康P900相机已停产 根据最新的消息显示,具有166倍光学变焦和332倍数码变焦的尼康Coolpix P900相机已在B&H和WEX等电商平台列为停产,亚马逊仍然有少量P900相机库存。 另外P900在尼康日本官方网站上也已被标记为停产。
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What’s the best camera for around $2000? This price point gives you access to some of the most all-round capable cameras available. Excellent image quality, powerful autofocus and great looking video are the least you can expect. We've picked the models that really stand out. ...