步骤一:关闭电源 在任何物理调整之前,确保关闭计算机并拔掉电源线。这是为了防止任何意外的电流流动导致短路或损坏硬件。 步骤二:打开机箱 使用适当的工具打开机箱,找到主板上的BIOS跳线位置。一般来说,该位置会在主板的说明书或官方网站上有所标记。 步骤三:调整跳线 以CLRTC为例,通常有三根针: 默认连接状态是1-2...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) ASUS 华硕 P8H67-M LE 用户手册.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 ASUS华硕P8H67-MLE用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 d r P8H67-M LE Series a P8H67-M LE o P8H67-M LX b r e h t o M E6188 Firs...
• Chapter 3: BIOS setup This chapter tells how to change system settings through the BIOS Setup menus. Detailed descriptions of the BIOS parameters are also provided. • Chapter 4: Software support This chapter describes the contents of the support DVD that comes with the motherboard package...
switch to boot and load BIOS default settings. A message will appear during POST reminding you that the BIOS has been restored to its default settings. • We recommend that you download and update to the latest BIOS version from the ASUS website at www.asus.com after using the MemOK!
Is the Asus board P8H67-M LE and the Intel RAID RS2WC080 compatible? If so, does anyone know the settings in the ASUS BIOS to make it work? I have the card installed and I can boot into the RAID BIOS and configured my RAID 5 and the post boot RAID BIOS can see the RAID but ...
If so, does anyone know the settings in the ASUS BIOS to make it work? I have the card installed and I can boot into the RAID BIOS and configured my RAID 5 and the post boot RAID BIOS can see the RAID but when I boot into installing Windows or even VMWare, neither can see ...
Is the Asus board P8H67-M LE and the Intel RAID RS2WC080 compatible? If so, does anyone know the settings in the ASUS BIOS to make it work? I have the card installed and I can boot into the RAID BIOS and configured my RAID 5 and the post boot RAI...
Is the Asus board P8H67-M LE and the Intel RAID RS2WC080 compatible? If so, does anyone know the settings in the ASUS BIOS to make it work? I have the card installed and I can boot into the RAID BIOS and configured my RAID 5 and the post boot RAID BIOS can ...
If so, does anyone know the settings in the ASUS BIOS to make it work? I have the card installed and I can boot into the RAID BIOS and configured my RAID 5 and the post boot RAID BIOS can see the RAID but when I boot into installing Windows or even VMWare, neither...
Is the Asus board P8H67-M LE and the Intel RAID RS2WC080 compatible? If so, does anyone know the settings in the ASUS BIOS to make it work? I have the card installed and I can boot into the RAID BIOS and configured my RAID 5 and the post boot RAID BIOS c...