我都不明白这货怎么这么凶残,刚刚苏联野战图20度角几乎没管,一会儿爬到6000米了,然后全场高度优势压着对面打,一个队有两架p63对面能玩 来自战争雷霆吧 N决明子 General_PMG02-16 26 【战机档案】在苏联服役的P-63 http://warthunder.com/en/news/2953-aircraft-profile-p-63-in-sovi 金币机苏联空军的贝尔...
RJP63F3DPP-M0 Silicon N Channel IGBT High Speed Power Switching Features • Trench gate and thin wafer technology (G6H series)• Low collector to emitter saturation voltage V CE(sat) = 1.7 V typ • High speed switching tf = 100 ns typ • Low leak current I CES = 1 μA ...
Production deliveries of the P-63A began in October of 1943, and by December of 1944 1725 P-63As had been produced. The USAAF never saw fit to use the Kingcobra for operational combat missions, since by that time in the war the need for low-altitude close-support fighter aircraft was m...
Forget the drive-thru, now you can eat your Big Mac and fries at an air-mazing McDonald's restaurant on this decommissioned aircraft. 忘掉汽车餐厅吧!现在你可以在这架退役飞机上的麦当劳享用巨无霸和薯条啦! For the last 24 years the disused DC-3 plane has been parked beside the McDonald's ...
The DC-3 plane has been painted in traditional McDonald's colours, with the company'siconiclettering on theexterior, too. Diners can access the plane via a flight of stairs near the tail, and the public must go through the restaurant in order to enter the aircraft. ...
Civil Aerospace is a major manufacturer of aero engines for the large commercial aircraft, regional jet and business aviation markets. Power Systems is a leading provider of high-speed reciprocating engines, complete propulsion systems and distributed energy solutions...显示更多 了解更多 招聘 我们无法...
The DC-3 plane has been painted in traditional McDonald's colours, with the company'siconiclettering on theexterior, too. Diners can access the plane via a flight of stairs near the tail, and the public must go through the restaurant in order to enter the aircraft. ...
Forget the drive-thru, now you can eat your Big Mac and fries at an air-mazing McDonald's restaurant on this decommissioned aircraft. 忘掉汽车餐厅吧!现在你可以在这架退役飞机上的麦当劳享用巨无霸和薯条啦! For the last 24 years the disused DC-3 plane has been parked beside the McDonald's ...
製造業 Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation 4.0 343 条点评 查看公司 对比 航天及國防 Leonardo DRS 3.7 625 条点评 查看公司 对比 slide5 of 5 政府及公共行政 National Renewable Energy Laboratory 3.8 133 条点评 查看公司 对比 航天及國防 General Atomics 3.7 799 条点评 查看公司 对比 Avangrid 3.4 364 条点评 ...
TO enable aircraft to compete with other forms of transport, on a commercial basis, it is essential that services should be run during the hours of darkness. With this end in view the development of night flying facilities has received c... ...