Our mission is to provide Atlanta's businesses with the best Consulting, Marketing, Brand strategies and material to grow their business.
投标阶段P6进度计划编制 合同执行阶段P6进度计划编制 合规性审查 过程咨询和指导 投标阶段P6进度计划编制 分析招标文件及业主对进度计划提交的要求,领航并支持投标小组完成P6进度计划编制和进度计划文件输出,增强投标文件的响应竞争力。 友勤助力更多国际工程项目获得成功 中国建筑 中巴经济走廊:白沙瓦至卡拉奇高速公路;...
Scheduling, training and support for small, medium and large companies. Technology and Database support, automate reports, Claims and Forensic and Consulting.
PMOLink is a project management consulting firm delivering a complete set project and process management services and training. As a customer-focused company, we tailor our offerings to meet each client’s unique needs, providing results-oriented solutions and cutting-edge technology. For over 24 ye...
Learn Oracle Primavera Today with Monks Project Solutions! We offer assessment, management, and training for Oracle Primavera products.
Schedule Creation, Optimization or Analysis Construction Scheduling Assistance & Consulting Oracle Primavera Implementation Oracle Primavera Administration Strategic Planning Facilitation Documentation Assistance Custom Training & Manual Creation References Elaine has been managing projects since 1986 and has grown to...
本次论坛由北京多元调解发展促进会主办,中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(CIETAC,以下简称“贸仲”)、中国建设工程造价管理协会(CCEA)、英国皇家特许建造学会 (CIOB)、菲迪克核信咨询服务(北京)有限公司(FIDIC Consulting Services Beijing)、威海国际仲裁院(WCIA)、北京德和衡律师事务所协办,并获得中天德成国际咨询...
1、理解业务战略,通过组织诊断,形成组织设计、组织治理、组织能力提升的系统性思考,催化组织能量、推动组织发展、助力战略落地; 2、根据业务发展需求,识别组织与人员的核心能力需求,积极开拓及整合资源、开发设计并主导组织发展、人才发展等项目的规划、实施、运营和评估; 3、能应用组织发展的专业理论、方法、工具,为内部...
Obalim is a seasoned management Consultant, and the Lead Consultant of Ciel Consulting (a Consulting firm based in Lagos State, Nigeria). He holds vast experience as a Management Consultant and he is a Generalist with competencies developed in Project Management, Primavera P6, MS Project, Business...
2. Provide the daily pricing consulting. 提供日常的价格方面的咨询。 3. Ensure timely sharing of pricing related information for accurate billing and price quotes 确保及时提供与定价有关的信息,准确报价 4. Produce profitability reports and analysis 提供利润相关分析报告 5. Review all requests for rate...