3.主要功能是与抗原(包括外来的和自身的)相结合,从而有效地清除侵入机体内的微生物、寄生虫等异物,抗体(antibody)是一种应答抗原产生的、可与抗原特异性结合的蛋白质。 先将组织或细胞中的某种化学物质提取出来,以此作为抗原或半抗原,通过免疫动物后获得特异性的抗体,再以此抗体去探测组织或细胞中的同类的抗原物质...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“Mouse monoclonal to p53 Abcam ab1100 ”的生产销售。多年的“Mouse monoclonal to p53 Abcam ab1100 ”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我公司经营的产品名称深受广大用户信赖。欢迎来电咨询或前来选购
Fig. 6 The co-localization of Nurr1 and P53 in RWPE-1 cells The co-localization of Nurr1 and P53 proteins in RWPE-1 cells was investigated by immunofluorescence experiment. RWPE-1 cells were used for immunofluorescence exp...
英文名称:P53 antibody ELISA Kit 用途:仅供科研使用 产地:、国产 品牌:博湖 包装规格:48T/96T 标记物:详见说明书 样本:血清、血浆、细胞上清等液体样本 检测方法:elisa 应用:详见说明书 检测限:详见说明书 货号:BH-E100710 是否进口:是 ELISA方法被广泛应用于各种抗原和抗体测定。 但ELISA测定中影响因素较多,而...
Antibody for RIP assays of EZH2 was from Abcam. Tissue collection and ethics statement A total of 192 primary NSCLC tissues were collected from patients who had undergone surgery at the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical ...
Protein samples were prepared according to the protocol described in Abcam’s GST 6 × His-tag ELISA kit guide (Abcam, ab128573). Fifty microliters of His-BCL-2 protein at a concentration of 30 nM was added to the 6 × His-tag antibody pre-coated wells and incubated at 4 °C fo...
| progen | BOC | 进口现货产品 | 胎牛血清 | 细胞培养 | 提取试剂 | 转染试剂 | 常规生化试剂 | ELISA试剂盒 | 抗体 | 细胞因子 | sigma aldrich(西格玛) | Invitrogen(英骏) | Millipore | Abcam | CST | Roche | peprotech | prospec | pierce | BD Pharmingen | BD Biocoat | R&D | BioVisi...
Subsequently underwent antigen repair with hydrogen peroxide (Cat: 10011208, Sinopharm, China) and BSA (Cat: 4240GR005, BioFroxx, German) closure, placed in primary antibody working solution, and incubated overnight at 4 °C, followed by incubation of secondary antibody (Cat: ab205804, Abcam,...
We used Nox4-specific siRNAs to knockdown endogenous Nox4 to evaluate the specificity of the Nox4 antibody. Using this approach, we detected a single protein band ∼59 kDa that was specifically reduced following Nox4 siRNA treatment in either the presence or the absence of TGF-β (Figure...