摘要: 领导之所以可以称之为科学,就在于它可以用系统控制理论和数学方法描绘、再现其功能形成过程;领导之所以可以称之为艺术,就在于它可以通过领导者素质转化的人格魅力,在领导功能作用的过程中发挥出艺术般震撼人心的心理机制和心理效果。关键词: 领导功能;领导函数;人格魅力;领导艺术 ...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To enhance the property of installation work of a metal fitting for installing an outdoor unit by making the rear side of a hook groove of a longitudinal rod to correspond to the folded part for hooking of a wall mounting rod, enlarging the opening part of the hook...