point of view it is preferable when the P90 or P75 due to the lower risks goes up even if the P50 slightly goes down by the applied measures. [1] Klug, Strack : Technical Risks related to Wind Farm Financing; Proceedings of the AWEA, Washington, ...
P50P75P90 DEWI Magazin Nr. 28, Februar 2006 What does Exceedance Probabilities P90-P75-P50 Mean?H. Klug, DEWI Wilhelmshaven In the planning and financing stage of a wind farm project a risk assessment is required quantifying all risks related to the wind farm financing (technical due diligence...
P50P75P90 DEWI Magazin Nr. 28, Februar 2006 What does Exceedance Probabilities P90-P75-P50 Mean?H. Klug, DEWI Wilhelmshaven In the planning and financing stage of a wind farm project a risk assessment is required quantifying all risks related to the wind farm financing (technical due diligence...
P3下面有一个对应的数,就是说有3%的人低于这个数,相应的,P10就是说有10%的人低于这个数,以此类推等等。p95就是有95%的人低于这个数。百分位数是计学术语,如果将一组数据从大到小排序,并计算相应的累计百分位,则某一百分位所对应数据的值就称为这一百分位的百分位数percentile 。可表示为...
Summary For a lot of wind farms the energy production is below the expectations but it is a difficult task to distinguish if the wind potential was overestimated or if the wind farm is underperforming. In the planning and financing stage of a wind farm project a risk assessment is required ...
四分差可以表示为( ) A. P10到P90距离的二分之一 B. P25到P75距离的二分之一 C. P50 D. P30到P70距离的二分之一
P1 P5 P10 P25 P50 P75 P90 P95 P99 男 40.1 45.1 47.9 51.5 56.7 63.7 72.4 80.4 95.5 女 38.3 41.2 43.1 46.5 50.5 55.3 61.1 65.4 75.6 表中数据来源:《中国未成年人人体尺寸》(标准号:GB/T26158-2010) 小王同学今年17岁,她的体重50kg,她所在城市女性同龄人约有4.2万人.估计小王同学所在的城市有 万...
应该分别比一下p50,p75,p90的数据。平均数不是一个很好的指标。//@霜叶:不光英国,全球都如此吧。中国全职网红们也赚钱堪比艺人。【转发】@凤凰网科技:【#英全职网红年收入超软件工程师和律师# 】一项调查显示...