The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt holds a unique honor in the ranks of World War II fighters. This plane was much heavier and bulkier than other fighter planes of its day, outweighing aircraft like the Fw 190 by several thousand pounds. Equipped with a large, powerful radial engine, it looked...
This is Hasegawa’s 1/48 scale P-47D Thunderbolt that I built a few years ago while stationed in Germany. About the only modification I did was the addition of a Hamilton Standard prop from a Minicraft F4U-4 kit instead of using the Curtiss Electric prop that was supplied with the kit...
转自空军之翼 回复 2楼 2014-01-26 21:19 举报 | yangfengpei73 中校 11 科普好评 回复 3楼 2014-01-26 21:21 举报 | 来自Android客户端 wow15517116633 中校 11 图片来自:wow15517116633的百度相册 回复 4楼 2014-01-26 21:22 ...
P47: An inside look at the P47 Thunderbolt and the critical role it played in both the European and Pacific Theaters of World War II.
454018:20 P-47雷霆战斗机的疯狂工程 The Insane Engineering of the P-47 Thunderbolt StarDazz· 9-23 42024815:34 P-47:我有姿势我自豪,十二点七扫虎式(多P) 散華禮彌酱· 2013-4-6 3.3万23012:25 驱雷掣电:P47D28“雷电”实战解说+玩法推荐 |战争雷霆 喵喵卫士全靠你了OvO· 2021-5-29 ...