Now, I need to prepare for the flight proficiency exam - check ride @ the club to earn my wings...boy, I feel like I am a freshman at high school again. Keep at it MTM, your get it! Sign up now to remove ads between posts Aug...
The vision was to create a swappable that would bring to life the brutal aerial dominance of the P47 while preserving the forgiving flight envelope that is so characteristic of FliteTest-style warbirds. I wanted all the warbird geeks in the FT community to be able to enjoy a sporty P47 foam...
YouTube TikTok Discord Bluesky AEROPLANE HEAVEN 3 (2) 立即评价 P-47D(或人们亲切地称之为Jug)是第二次世界大战中的重型战斗机之一,满载的P-47重达8吨。这个重量需要一台非常强大的发动机。与为F6F Hellcat和Vought Corsair提供动力的发动机普惠R2800相同。再加上令人印象深刻的装载能力和非常强大的50口径机枪,...
YouTube TikTok Discord A2A SIMULATIONS 立即评价 “For those out there that live for realism and depth, Wings of Power aircraft deliver on a scale never seen before. However, even with all this tremendous detail, you can still just throw the throttle forward and fly away…” ...
The video of three-year-old Zachvaliantlytrying to eat his food on a first-class flight from Cancun to Baltimore has had nearly 110,000 views since it was uploaded to YouTube. 这个名叫扎克的3岁男孩坐在从坎昆飞往巴尔的摩的一等舱内啃鸡块的视频被传到Youtube上,并迅速吸引了近11万的观众。
The video of three-year-old Zachvaliantlytrying to eat his food on a first-class flight from Cancun to Baltimore has had nearly 110,000 views since it was uploaded to YouTube. 这个名叫扎克的3岁男孩坐在从坎昆飞往巴尔的摩的一等舱内啃鸡块的视频被传到Youtube上,并迅速吸引了近11万的观众。
The video of three-year-old Zach valiantly trying to eat his food on a first-class flight from Cancun to Baltimore has had nearly 110,000 views since it was uploaded to YouTube. 这个名叫扎克的3岁男孩坐在从坎昆飞往巴尔的摩的一等舱内啃鸡块的视频被传到Youtube上,并迅速吸引了近11万的观众。
The video of three-year-old Zachvaliantlytrying to eat his food on a first-class flight from Cancun to Baltimore has had nearly 110,000 views since it was uploaded to YouTube. 这个名叫扎克的3岁男孩坐在从坎昆飞往巴尔的摩的一等舱内啃鸡块的视频被传到Youtube上,并迅速吸引了近11万的观众。
The video of three-year-old Zach valiantly trying to eat his food on a first-class flight from Cancun to Baltimore has had nearly 110,000 views since it was uploaded to YouTube. 这个名叫扎克的3岁男孩坐在从坎昆飞往巴尔的摩的一等舱内啃鸡块的视频被传到Youtube上,并迅速吸引了近11万的观众。