Taken together, these bleak statistics raise a startling question: are we running out of clean water? Well yes, and no. At a planetary scale, Earth can’t run out of freshwater thanks to the water cycle, a system that continuously produces and recycles water, morphing it from vapour, to ...
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Taken together, these bleak statistics raise a startling question: are we running out of clean water? Well yes, and no. At a planetary scale, Earth can’t run out of freshwater thanks to the water cycle, a system that continuously produces and recycles water, morphing it from vapour, to ...
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Global cancer statistics 2020: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries[J]. CA Cancer J Clin, 2021,71(3):209-249. DOI: 10.3322/caac.21660 . 返回引文位置Google Scholar 百度学术 万方数据 [2] Canberk S , Field A , Bubendorf L ,et al. A...
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Objectives: To evaluate the statistics of HELLP syndrome from 2000–2009 in our obstetrics department. Methods: Retrospective study between January 2000 and December 2009. Results: HELLP syndrome was present in 65 cases; corresponding to 84.6% of the cases before delivery and 15.4% post-partum. ...
Supporting Human shape detection, face detection, face capture, license plate recognition, passenger flow statistics, and support to customize other intelligent functions Other function Other function Support WEB,OSD,live video transmission, motion detect and IO alarm, front-end storage/playback/downlo...
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