10k Accesses 42 Citations 3 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Background Carnation Italian ringspot virus (CIRV) is a positive-strand RNA virus that causes massive structural alterations of mitochondria in infected host cells, the most conspicuous being the formation of numerous internal vesicles/spher...
ROSE & KRIEGER; 124000050 FKV40; length: 100 [mm]; material: Aluminium 3.3206; width: 100 [mm]; height: 70 [mm] FLANGE CLAMP FKV40 124 000 050 ROSE & KRIEGER; 8.1403020500; Product Name: TUBE STEEL; material: steel stainless - 1.4301; wall thickness: 3 [mm] STEEL TUBE 40X40X3?
100 电源HeMaTech 0790-6991 转换器HeMaTech 8841-0463 充电器HeMaTech 0790-6989 手提箱HeMaTech 0100-0910 包装盒Honsberg UR1-025GM 流量开关Turck BI5-Q08-AP6X2-V1131 Nr:16005 接近开关Turck ZWKP3-2/S90 Nr.8007428 电缆PMA KS92-112-2000E-000 编码器Varvel SRS 28/PCPC 1/56 G3 减速箱PILZ...