P3-D65, 意思就是采用了 DCI-P3 定义的色域,但是白点标准为 6500K, 坐标:0.3127, 0.3290 (下...
Re: Is there a real-world (amateur) use-case for DCI-P3? Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:18 am Igor Riđanović wrote: ZRGARDNE wrote:HDR is a different question. Netflix wants DCI for its HDR. But youtube is Rec2020/2100.Netflix (and many others) requires P3-D65 not DCI. See the sp...
在数字影院领域,DCI-P3是一种卓越的色域标准,它以模拟人眼在观看电影时的色彩体验为核心,力求覆盖电影制作中所能展现的所有色彩空间。尽管不是目前色域最广泛的规范(BT.2020是最新之作),但DCI-P3在Rec.709之上,特别注重红色和绿色的再现,展现了更广阔的色域范围。随着科技的飞速进步,Display P3...
caseAVCOL_PRI_SMPTE431:returnMP_CSP_PRIM_DCI_P3; caseAVCOL_PRI_SMPTE432:returnMP_CSP_PRIM_DISPLAY_P3; default:returnMP_CSP_PRIM_AUTO; } } Expand DownExpand Up@@ -243,6 +245,8 @@ int mp_csp_prim_to_avcol_pri(enum mp_csp_prim prim) ...
As you can see, another difference between the three very similar color spaces is in their transfer functions. The DCI-P3-D65 spec's official transfer function is a 2.6gamma, but this more suits digital projection. Similar to the difference in white points, true DCI-P3’s 2.6 gamma takes...
探索色彩世界的深度:AdobeRGB、sRGB、Rec.709和DCI P3色域详解在色彩表现的世界里,RGB色域的讨论总是焦点。要深入了解它们之间的差异,我们只需关注关键参数:白点、RGB基矢和传递函数。让我们逐一剖析这些专业术语,揭示它们在色彩空间中的独特角色。首先,所有四种色域的基准白点都设定为D65标准光源,这...
DCI-P3 covers a 25% larger area of the chromaticity diagram, a figure that’s pretty similar to AdobeRGB. As opposed to AdobeRGB’s green-cyan bias, however, P3’s gains are more evenly spread out across all three primary colors. In practice, this means that DCI-P3 displays can output...
ROG的Mini LED拥有100% DCI P3色域覆盖, 10bit色深、165Hz刷新率、最高1100nits亮度的Mini LED屏幕...
预算考虑:DCI-P3色域通常应用于更高端的设备,价格相对较高。而BT.709色域的设备则更加普及,价格相对亲民。 使用需求:如果主要用于日常观看电视节目或网络视频,BT.709色域的设备已经足够满足需求。如果追求更高的色彩精准度和更丰富的色彩表现,特别是对于电影和游戏爱好者,DCI-P3色域的设备将是更好的选择。 综上所述...
DCI-P3, is bascially Display P3 and Photoshop doesn't care as long as you have a profile that defines it, PS is basically color space agnostic. Display P3 is DCI-P3 primaries and thus gamut with the D65 white point together with the sRGB TRC (tone curve) Auth...